Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

LocalDeviceInfo.cpp Example File

    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.

    #include "LocalDeviceInfo.hpp"

    #include <btapi/btdevice.h>
    #include <btapi/btspp.h>

    LocalDeviceInfo::LocalDeviceInfo(QObject *parent)
        : QObject(parent)

    void LocalDeviceInfo::update()
        char buffer[128];
        const int bufferSize = sizeof(buffer);

        bool ok = false;

        const QString unknown = tr("Unknown");
        const QString notAvailable = tr("N/A");

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_friendly_name(buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_name = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : unknown);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_address(buffer) == 0);
        m_address = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : unknown);

        const int code = bt_ldev_get_device_class(BT_COD_DEVICECLASS);
        if (code >= 0) {
            m_deviceClass.sprintf("0x%x", code);
        } else {
            m_deviceClass = unknown;

        m_discoverable = ((bt_ldev_get_discoverable() == BT_DISCOVERABLE_GIAC) ? tr("true") : tr("false"));
        m_enabled = (bt_ldev_get_power() ? tr("true") : tr("false"));

        const int deviceType = bt_ldev_get_type();
        m_deviceType = ((deviceType == BT_DEVICE_TYPE_LE_PUBLIC || deviceType == BT_DEVICE_TYPE_LE_PRIVATE) ?  tr("Low energy") : tr("Regular"));

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_API_VERSION, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_apiVersion = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_MASTER_SLAVE_SWITCH, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_masterSlaveAllowed = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_MAX_CONNECTED_DEVICES, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_maximumConnections = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_MAX_L2CAP_RCVMTU, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_maximumL2capMtu = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_MAX_RFCOMM_RCVMTU, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_maximumRfcommMtu = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_CONNECTED_INQUIRY_SCAN, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_incomingInquiryScan = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_CONNECTED_PAGE_SCAN, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_incomingPageScan = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_CONNECTED_INQUIRY, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_outgoingInquiryScan = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        ok = (bt_ldev_get_property(BT_PROP_CONNECTED_PAGE, buffer, bufferSize) == 0);
        m_outgoingPageScan = (ok ? QString::fromLatin1(buffer) : notAvailable);

        emit changed();

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::name() const
        return m_name;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::address() const
        return m_address;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::deviceClass() const
        return m_deviceClass;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::discoverable() const
        return m_discoverable;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::enabled() const
        return m_enabled;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::deviceType() const
        return m_deviceType;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::apiVersion() const
        return m_apiVersion;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::masterSlaveAllowed() const
        return m_masterSlaveAllowed;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::maximumConnections() const
        return m_maximumConnections;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::maximumL2capMtu() const
        return m_maximumL2capMtu;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::maximumRfcommMtu() const
        return m_maximumRfcommMtu;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::incomingInquiryScan() const
        return m_incomingInquiryScan;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::incomingPageScan() const
        return m_incomingPageScan;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::outgoingInquiryScan() const
        return m_outgoingInquiryScan;

    QString LocalDeviceInfo::outgoingPageScan() const
        return m_outgoingPageScan;