Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

main.qml Example File

     * Copyright (c) 2013 BlackBerry Limited.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.cascades.datamanager 1.2
    import bb.system 1.0

     * This page shows database rows, with menu options to allow switching
     * between various dataModels to demonstrate the performance difference of the cache
     * when using sqlDataQuery with optional properties such as keyColumn or revisionColumn.
    Page {
        id: root
        // global property to indicate when live revision update is in progress
        // so that a concurrent selection of live updates terminates the process
        property bool liveUpdate: false;

        // sql query for updating the revision id in the revision table
        property string updateRevision: "update revision set revision_id = revision_id + 1"
        // sql query to select revision id from the revision table
        property string selectRevision: "select revision_id from revision"
        // sql query to insert a new artist row. This query makes use of bound properties and up-to-date revision id through select statement.
        property string insertQuery: "insert into artist(revision_id,name,realname,profile,data_quality,primary_image,is_group,master_count,group_master_count) select revision_id,:name,:realname,:profile,:dataquality,:primaryimage,0,0,0 from revision"
        // Screen title bar with app name
        titleBar: TitleBar {
            kind: TitleBarKind.FreeForm
            kindProperties: FreeFormTitleBarKindProperties {
                Container {
                    layout: StackLayout {
                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                    leftPadding: 10
                    rightPadding: 10

                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

                    Label {
                        text: "Datamanager Usage"

                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: 7
                        textStyle {
                            base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                            color: Color.White
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center


        Container {
            // The ListView that's used to display the artist data
            ListView {
                id: listView
                // ListView properties in order to be accessible through ListItemComponents
                property alias deleteq: queryExec
                property string selectRevision: "select revision_id from revision"
                // sql query to delete artist with specific name
                property string deleteQuery: "delete from artist where name = :name"
                // this variable holds the current SqlDataQuery that the ListView.dataModel is using
                property variant dq: defaultDataQuery

                layout: StackListLayout {
                    headerMode: ListHeaderMode.Sticky
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1.0
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

                // The current ListView data model being used
                dataModel: defaultModel

                // Function that returns access path to the data images
                // _dataDir is a path exposed to the qml context via applicationui.cpp to the apps data folder
                function imageurl(image) {
                    if ("" == image || !_app.fileExists(image)) {
                        return _dataDir + "../../native/assets/images/no_image.png";

                    return _dataDir + "images/" + image;

                listItemComponents: [
                    // ListComponent to represent default dataModel's
                    ListItemComponent {
                        // Displays the row data
                        StandardListItem {
                            id: itemRoot
                            title: ListItemData.name
                            imageSource: itemRoot.ListItem.view.imageurl(ListItemData.primary_image)
                            description: ListItemData.realname

                            // function that emits data changed signal with the revision update in order
                            // to signal for the ListView to refresh; dq holds the dataQuery that the user has selected
                            function onDeleteExecuted(resultData) {
                                var revision = resultData[0].revision_id;
                                console.log("live delete was performed ");

                            gestureHandlers: [
                                LongPressHandler {
                                    onLongPressed: {
                                        // Set the sql queries to retrieve revision and delete the row with the bound name value
                                        itemRoot.ListItem.view.deleteq.queries = [ itemRoot.ListItem.view.selectRevision, itemRoot.ListItem.view.deleteQuery ]
                                        itemRoot.ListItem.view.deleteq.bindValues = { "name" : ListItemData.name }
                                        // Connect to the javascript function, which emits signal to force ListView to refresh after change
                onDataModelChanged: {
                onSelectionChanged: {
                    console.log("onSelectionChanged, selected: " + selected)
                onActivationChanged: {
                    console.log("onActivationChanged, active: " + active)

        // Load the default model on application startup
        onCreationCompleted: {

        attachedObjects: [
            // One of the default provided DataModel's
            AsyncDataModel {
                id: defaultModel
                // Standard data query that does not make use of any performance improving
                // properties (i.e. keyColumn, revisionColumn)
                query: SqlDataQuery {
                    id: defaultDataQuery
                    source: _dataDir + "discogs_small.db"
                    query: "select id, name, realname, data_quality, primary_image, is_group, revision_id from artist order by name"
                    countQuery: "select count(*) from artist"
                    onDataChanged: console.log("data changed: revision=" + revision)
                    onError: console.log("SQL query error: " + code + ", " + message)
                onLoaded: console.log("initial model data is loaded")
            AsyncDataModel {
                id: withKeyModel
                // Data query that uses one of the performance improving properties - keyColumn
                query: SqlDataQuery {
                    id: kdq
                    source: _dataDir + "discogs_small.db"
                    query: "select id, name, realname, data_quality, primary_image, is_group, revision_id from artist order by name"
                    countQuery: "select count(*) from artist"
                    keyColumn: "id"
                    onDataChanged: console.log("data changed: revision=" + revision)
                    onError: console.log("SQL query error: " + code + ", " + message)
                onLoaded: console.log("initial model data is loaded")
            AsyncDataModel {
                id: withRevisionModel
                // Data query that uses one of the performance improving properties - (revisionColumn, revisionQuery)
                query: SqlDataQuery {
                    id: rdq
                    source: _dataDir + "discogs_small.db"
                    query: "select id, name, realname, data_quality, primary_image, is_group, revision_id from artist order by name"
                    countQuery: "select count(*) from artist"
                    revisionColumn: "revision_id"
                    revisionQuery: "SELECT revision_id FROM revision"
                    onDataChanged: console.log("data changed: revision=" + revision)
                    onError: console.log("SQL query error: " + code + ", " + message)
                onLoaded: console.log("initial model data is loaded")
            AsyncDataModel {
                id: withKeyAndRevisionModel
                // Data query that uses both performance improving properties - keyColumn, (revisionColumn, revisionQuery)
                query: SqlDataQuery {
                    id: krdq
                    source: _dataDir + "discogs_small.db"
                    query: "select id, name, realname, data_quality, primary_image, is_group, revision_id from artist order by name"
                    countQuery: "select count(*) from artist"
                    keyColumn: "id"
                    revisionColumn: "revision_id"
                    revisionQuery: "SELECT revision_id FROM revision"
                    onDataChanged: console.log("data changed: revision=" + revision)
                    onError: console.log("SQL query error: " + code + ", " + message)
                onLoaded: console.log("initial model data is loaded")
            QueryExec {
                // ***************************************************************************
                // Start it by calling execute(). Can be stopped by calling stop().
                // Each time it will update x rows (including both overall revision, item revision)
                // and then notify the data model via its associated query.
                // Next time (after 1 second delay) it will go down 100 rows and do the same.

                // Query sequence:
                property string updateContact: "update artist set revision_id = (select revision_id from revision) " +
                "where rowid >= :startRow and rowid < (:startRow + 5)"
                property int startRow: 0
                id:         updateQuery
                times:      10 // execute x times (default is 1)
                interval:   5000 // delay y milliseconds before each execution (default is 1000)
                source:     _dataDir + "discogs_small.db"
                queries:    [ updateRevision, updateContact, selectRevision ]
                bindValues: { "startRow" : startRow }
                onError:    console.log("live update error: " + errorType + ", " + errorMessage)
                onExecuted: {
                    var revision = data[0].revision_id;
                    console.log("live query update was performed: startRow=" + startRow + "; revision=" + revision);
                    startRow = (startRow + 100) % 1000; // next time start further down, wrapping at the bottom of the 1024 row table
            // QueryExec instance used for the various SqlDataQuery's
            QueryExec {
                id: queryExec
                source: _dataDir + "discogs_small.db"
                queries: [ ]
                onError: console.log("error: " + errorType + ", " + errorMessage)
            // Toast informing the user on how to delete items in the list
            SystemToast {
                id: deleteToast
                body: qsTr("Long press an item to remove from list")
                button.label: qsTr("Ok")
                button.enabled: true

        actions: [
            // action item to select the key supported sqlDataQuery
            ActionItem {
                title: "sqlDataQuery+key"
                imageSource: "images/query_with_key.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    listView.dq = kdq
                    listView.dataModel = withKeyModel
            // action item to select the revision supported sqlDataQuery
            ActionItem {
                //ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                title: "sqlDataQuery+rev"
                imageSource: "images/query_with_revision.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    listView.dq = rdq
                    listView.dataModel = withRevisionModel
            //action item to select the sqlDataQuery supporting both key and revision
            ActionItem {
                title: "sqlDataQuery+key+rev"
                imageSource: "images/both.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    listView.dq = krdq
                    listView.dataModel = withKeyAndRevisionModel
            // action item to activate live updating of revisions
            ActionItem {
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                title: "LiveUpdate"
                imageSource: "images/ic_edit.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    if(!liveUpdate) {
                        liveUpdate = true
                    } else {
                        liveUpdate = false
            // action item to activate toast describing delete functionality
            ActionItem {
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                title: "delete"
                imageSource: "images/ic_delete.png"
                onTriggered: {
            // action item to reset back to default model
            ActionItem {
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                title: "Reset"
                imageSource: "images/list_reset.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    listView.dq = defaultDataQuery
                    listView.dataModel = defaultModel
            // action item to add new row item
            ActionItem {
                id: addAction

                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                title: "Add"
                imageSource: "images/ic_add.png"

                // function emits data changed signal with new revision in order
                // for ListView to refresh so that the addition is visually displayed in the list
                function onAddExecuted(resultData) {
                    console.log("live record addition ")
                    var revision = resultData[0].revision_id;

                onTriggered: {
                    // provide query for inserting new row item
                    queryExec.queries = [ updateRevision, selectRevision, insertQuery]
                    // query bound values containing the new row artist values
                    queryExec.bindValues = { "name" : "Homer" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 8),
                                             "realname" : "Baercis",
                                             "profile" : "Sr.Attorney at large",
                                             "dataquality" : "Correct",
                                             "primaryimage" : "blah.jpg"}
                    // connects to the javascript function which emits signal to force ListView to refresh