Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

QueryExec.cpp Example File

     * Copyright (c) 2013 BlackBerry Limited.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #include "QueryExec.hpp"
    #include <bb/cascades/datamanager/SqlQueryUtils>
    #include <bb/UIToolkitSupport>
    #include <QDebug>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlError>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlRecord>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlQuery>

    //using namespace bb::data;

    //used for import of the QueryExec module into QML
    static const char *MODULE_NAME = "bb.cascades.datamanager";
    static const int MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
    static const int MINOR_VERSION = 2;

    //used for naming the query parameters
    static const char *QUERIES_KEY = "Q";
    static const char *VALUES_KEY = "V";

    QueryExec::QueryExec(QObject *parent) :
            QObject(parent), m_times(1), m_interval(1000), m_executionCount(0), m_asyncSql(NULL), m_timer(NULL) {

    QueryExec::~QueryExec() {
        qDebug() << "QueryExec destructor";

    void QueryExec::registerQmlTypes() {
        qmlRegisterType<QueryExec>(MODULE_NAME, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, "QueryExec");

      *Property getters and setters.
    QUrl QueryExec::source() const {
        return m_source;

    void QueryExec::setSource(const QUrl &newSource) {
        m_source = newSource;

    QStringList QueryExec::queries() const {
        return m_queries;

    void QueryExec::setQueries(const QStringList &queryList) {
        m_queries = queryList;

    QVariantMap QueryExec::valuesToBind() const {
        return m_bindValues;

    void QueryExec::setValuesToBind(const QVariantMap &nameValueMap) {
        m_bindValues = nameValueMap;

    int QueryExec::times() const {
        return m_times;

    void QueryExec::setTimes(int times) {
        m_times = times;

    int QueryExec::interval() const {
        return m_interval;

    void QueryExec::setInterval(int interval) {
        m_interval = interval;

      *Query execution methods.
    void QueryExec::execute() {
        // Create an AsyncDataAccess to establish a connection thread to a db
        // and process multiple queries during the life of the application.
        if (m_asyncSql == NULL) {
            // A) Establish connection thread to database
            QueryWorker *qw = new QueryWorker(m_source, NULL);
            m_asyncSql = new bb::data::AsyncDataAccess(qw, this);

            // B) Use signals and slots to get results data when it's ready
            bool res = connect(m_asyncSql, SIGNAL(reply(const bb::data::DataAccessReply&)), this, SLOT(processResult(const bb::data::DataAccessReply&)));
            Q_ASSERT(res); // check connection in debug mode
            Q_UNUSED(res); // not used in release mode

        // execute queries the first time
        m_executionCount = 0;

        // If m_times param indicates we wish to execute multiple times
        // then setup a timer to do that.
        if (m_timer == NULL && 1 < m_times) {
            m_timer = new QTimer(this);
            bool res = connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(executeQueries()));
            Q_ASSERT(res); // check connection in debug mode
            Q_UNUSED(res); // not used in release mode

    void QueryExec::stop() {
        m_executionCount = 0;
        if (m_timer != NULL) {
            m_timer = NULL;

    void QueryExec::executeQueries() {
        qDebug() << "QueryExec executeQueries()";
        // validate
        if (m_source.isEmpty()) {
            Q_EMIT error(bb::data::DataAccessErrorType::SourceNotFound, "Mandatory source property not defined");
        else if (m_queries.isEmpty()) {
            Q_EMIT error(bb::data::DataAccessErrorType::OperationFailure, "Mandatory queries property not defined");
        else if (m_times <= m_executionCount) {
        else {
            // execute
            QVariantMap queriesAndValues;
            queriesAndValues[QUERIES_KEY] = m_queries;
            queriesAndValues[VALUES_KEY] = m_bindValues;

    void QueryExec::processResult(const bb::data::DataAccessReply &reply) {
        //qDebug() << "QueryExec processResult: reply=" << reply << ",m_executionCount=" << m_executionCount;
        if (reply.hasError()) {
            qWarning() << "Error while retrieving data from SQL database: " << reply;
            Q_EMIT error(reply.errorType(), reply.errorMessage());
        else {
            Q_EMIT executed(reply.result());

      *A QueryWorker that can perform a list of queries in a secondary thread
      *managed by SqlConnection.
    QueryWorker::QueryWorker(const QUrl &source, QObject *parent)
            : AsyncWorker(parent), m_source(source) {

    QueryWorker::~QueryWorker() {
        qDebug() << "QueryWorker destructor";

    void QueryWorker::execute(const QVariant &command, bb::data::DataAccessReply *replyData) {
        qDebug() << "QueryWorker::execute";
        // get the open db connection and start a transaction
        bb::cascades::datamanager::SqlQueryUtils squ;
        QSqlError error;
        QSqlDatabase connection = squ.connection(m_source, &error);
        if (error.type() != QSqlError::NoError) {
            populateReply(QVariant(), error, replyData);

        // command includes a list of queries and a value bindings map
        QVariantMap queriesAndValues = command.toMap();
        QStringList queries = queriesAndValues[QUERIES_KEY].toStringList();
        QVariantMap bindingValues = queriesAndValues[VALUES_KEY].toMap();

        // execute the queries
        QVariantList combinedResults;
        for (int i=0; i < queries.size(); ++i) {
            qDebug() << "executing query:  " << queries[i] << ", bindings: " << bindingValues;
            QSqlQuery sqlQuery(connection);
            squ.prepareQuery(queries[i], bindingValues, &sqlQuery);
            if (!sqlQuery.exec()) {
                populateReply(QVariant(), sqlQuery.lastError(), replyData);
            populateQueryResults(sqlQuery, &combinedResults);

        if (connection.commit()) {
            populateReply(combinedResults, error, replyData);
        else {
            qWarning() << "Could not commit transaction for database " << connection.databaseName();
            populateReply(QVariant(), connection.lastError(), replyData);

    void QueryWorker::populateQueryResults(QSqlQuery &sqlQuery, QVariantList *results) {
        QList<QString> field;
        while (sqlQuery.next()) {
            // get the field names
            if (field.isEmpty()) {
                QSqlRecord record = sqlQuery.record();
                for (int i = 0, n = record.count(); i < n; i++) {

            QVariantMap recordMap;
            for (int i = 0, n = field.size(); i < n; i++) {
                QVariant value = sqlQuery.value(i);
                // JavaScript/QML doesn't support 64bit integers (everything is converted to double)
                // so convert to string here to make sure we don't run into trouble.
                // In the long term it will be cleaner to move this code into something like a
                // query decorator instead of the core query code.
                if (value.type() == QVariant::LongLong || value.type() == QVariant::ULongLong) {
                    value = value.toString();
                recordMap.insert(field.at(i), value);

    void QueryWorker::populateReply(const QVariant &result, const QSqlError &error, bb::data::DataAccessReply *replyData) {
        // build and return reply
        if (error.type() == QSqlError::NoError) {
        else {
            replyData->setError(bb::data::DataAccessErrorType::OperationFailure,  error.databaseText() + " / " + error.driverText());
        qDebug() << "QueryWorker populateReply: replyData=" << *replyData;