Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

QueryExec.hpp Example File

     * Copyright (c) 2013 BlackBerry Limited.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.


    #include <bb/Global>
    #include <bb/data/AsyncDataAccess>
    #include <bb/data/DataAccessReply>
    #include <QList>
    #include <QMetaType>
    #include <QMap>
    #include <QObject>
    #include <QString>
    #include <QStringList>
    #include <QTimer>
    #include <QUrl>
    #include <QVariant>
    #include <QtDeclarative/QtDeclarative>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>

     * @headerfile QueryExec.hpp <bb/data/QueryExec>
     * @brief Executes SQL queries from QML for live update testing.
     * A QML example:
     *  QueryExec {
     *      // Start it by calling execute(). Can be stopped by calling stop().
     *      // Each time it will update 10 rows (including both overall revision, item revision and last_change)
     *      // and then notify the data model via its associated query.
     *      // Next time (after 1 second interval) it will go down 100 rows and do the same.
     *      // Query sequence:
     *      property string updateRevision: "update revision set revision_id = revision_id + 1"
     *      property string selectRevision: "select revision_id from revision"
     *      property string updateContact: "update contact set revision_id = (select revision_id from revision), last_change = datetime('now') " +
     *      "where rowid >= :startRow and rowid < (:startRow + 10)"
     *      property int startRow: 0
     *      id:         liveupdate2
     *      source:     "sql/contacts1k.db"
     *      queries:    [ updateRevision, updateContact, selectRevision ]
     *      bindValues: { "startRow" : startRow }
     *      times:      999 // execute x times (default is 1)
     *      interval:   1000 // interval y milliseconds before next execution after first (default is 1000)
     *      onError:    console.log("live update error: " + code + ", " + message)
     *      onExecuted: {
     *          console.log("live query update was performed: startRow=" + startRow + "; revision=" + data["revision_id"]);
     *          // todo - notify query that source revision has changed
     *          startRow = (startRow + 100) % 1024; // next time start further down, wrapping at the bottom of the 1024 row table
     *      }
     *  }
    class QueryExec : public QObject {

         * @brief The path to the external data source.
         * In QML, this path is relative to the QML document in which this @c QueryExec
         * is declared. When setting this property from C++, this path is instead relative
         * to the application working directory.
         * @since BlackBerry 10.2.0
        Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source READ source WRITE setSource)

         * @brief The queries property contain a list of SQL query statements.
        Q_PROPERTY(QStringList queries READ queries WRITE setQueries)

         * @brief A map of name-to-value bindings.
         * This allows values to be inserted for named place holders in each
         * query statement. Once the property is set it cannot be changed.
        Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap bindValues READ valuesToBind WRITE setValuesToBind)

         * @brief Count of times to execute. Default is 1.
         * If times is set to a number greater than 1 then a timer is used to determine interval between executions.
        Q_PROPERTY(int times READ times WRITE setTimes)

         * @brief Interval in milliseconds between executions. Only used if times property is greater than 1. Default is 1000 ms.
         * If times is set to a number greater than 1 then a timer is used to determine interval between executions.
        Q_PROPERTY(int interval READ interval WRITE setInterval)


         * @brief Constructs a @c QueryExec object with the specified parent.
         * If the parent is not 0, ownership of this object will be transferred to the parent.
         * @param parent The parent owner or 0. Optional and will default to 0 if not specified.
        QueryExec(QObject *parent = 0);

         * @brief Virtual destructor.
        virtual ~QueryExec();

         * @brief Registers @c QueryExec for use in QML.
        static void registerQmlTypes();

         * @brief Gets the current value of the #source property.
         * @return The current path to the external data source.
        QUrl source() const;

         * @brief Sets a new path to the external data source.
         * @param source The new path of the external data source.
        Q_SLOT void setSource(const QUrl& source);

         * @brief Gets the current value of the #queries property.
         * @return The query list to execute.
        QStringList queries() const;

         * @brief Sets a new list of queries to execute.
         * @param queryList The new queries to use.
        Q_SLOT void setQueries(const QStringList& queryList);

         * Retrieve the map of place holder name to value bindings.
         * This set of value bindings are used for all queries.
         * @return map of place holder name to value.
        QVariantMap valuesToBind() const;

         * Bind values to the queries by place holder name.
         * This set of value bindings are used for all queries.
         * @param nameValueMap a map of place holder name to value.
        Q_SLOT void setValuesToBind(const QVariantMap& nameValueMap);

         * @brief Gets the current value of the #times property.
         * @return The count of times to execute. Default is 1.
        int times() const;

         * @brief Sets the count of times to execute the queries. Default is 1.
         * If it is set to a value greater than 1 then a timer is used to execute
         * the queries repeatedly controlled by the #times and #interval properties.
         * @param times The count of times to execute.
        Q_SLOT void setTimes(int times);

         * @brief Gets the current value of the #interval property.
         * @return The interval between executions in milliseconds. Default is 1000 ms.
        int interval() const;

         * @brief Sets the interval between executions in milliseconds. Default is 1000 ms.
         * This is only used if the times property is greater than 1. If it is then
         * a timer is used to execute the queries repeatedly controlled by the #times
         * and #interval properties.
         * @param times The count of times to execute.
        Q_SLOT void setInterval(int interval);

         * @brief Execute the list of queries defined by the #queries property.
         * The set of #queries will be executed asynchronously. Connect to the error and
         * executed signals to determine the results. If times is greater than 1 then
         * the queries will be executed again after a interval in milliseconds based on the
         * #interval property. This will continue until the set of queries has been executed
         * the number of times defined by the #times property.
        Q_SLOT void execute();

         * @brief Stop the execution.
         * This will stop execution after the current execution operation (if any) is done.
         * The execute() method can be called again to start execution over again.
        Q_SLOT void stop();

         * @brief Emitted when the queries have been executed successfully.
         * The data returned by this signal will be the combined output from the set of
         * queries. For non-select queries there is no output. For select queries the output
         * will be a @c QVariantList containing a @c QVariantMap for each item.
         * @param data The results (if any) from executing the queries.
        void executed(const QVariant& data);

         * @brief Emitted when any of the queries has failed execution.
         * The errorType and errorMessage will be taken from @c QSqlError.
         * @param errorType The type of error that was generated.
         * @param errorMessage The detailed error message.
        void error(int errorType, const QString& errorMessage);

         * Internal query execution method.
        Q_SLOT void executeQueries();

         * Internal result from sql query execution.
        Q_SLOT void processResult(const bb::data::DataAccessReply& reply);

         * Private data.
        QUrl m_source;
        QStringList m_queries;
        QVariantMap m_bindValues;
        int m_times;
        int m_interval;
        int m_executionCount;
        bb::data::AsyncDataAccess  *m_asyncSql;
        QTimer *m_timer;


     * A QueryWorker that can perform a list of queries in a secondary thread
     * managed by SqlConnection.
    class QueryWorker : public bb::data::AsyncWorker {
         * Constructor.
        QueryWorker(const QUrl &source, QObject* parent);

         * Destructor.
        virtual ~QueryWorker();

         * Called to execute queries on secondary thread.
        virtual void execute(const QVariant& command, bb::data::DataAccessReply* replyData);

         * Add to the results from this executed query. None unless its a select.
        void populateQueryResults(QSqlQuery &sqlQuery, QVariantList *results);

         * Build result to return to caller in main thread.
        void populateReply(const QVariant &result, const QSqlError &error, bb::data::DataAccessReply *replyData);

         * Private data.
        QUrl m_source;