Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

SqlQueryUtils.cpp Example File

     * Copyright (c) 2013 BlackBerry Limited.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.

    #include "SqlQueryUtils.hpp"
    #include "NumericRevision.hpp"

    #include <bb/UIToolkitSupport>
    #include <QVariantMap>
    #include <QStringList>
    #include <QTime>
    #include <QSharedData>
    #include <QMutexLocker>
    #include <QElapsedTimer>
    #include <QStringBuilder>
    #include <QTextStream>
    #include <QThread>
    #include <QUrl>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlError>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlRecord>
    #include <QtSql/QSqlQuery>
    #include <QtCore/QDebug>

    using namespace bb::cascades::datamanager;

    ///////////////////////// File scope helper functions//////////////////////////
    static QVariant valueLookup(const QVariantMap& bindValues, QString key);
    static QVariantList createPositionalQueryAndList(QString& baseSql, const QVariantMap& bindValues);
    static void bindParameters(const QVariantList& bindValues, QSqlQuery *sqlQuery);

    SqlQueryUtils::SqlQueryUtils() {

    SqlQueryUtils::~SqlQueryUtils() {

     * Return the existing database connection from QT or create and return a new connection.
    QSqlDatabase SqlQueryUtils::connection(const QUrl &source, QSqlError *error) {
        // construct sourcePath and connectionName from source URL
        QString sourcePath = bb::UIToolkitSupport::absolutePathFromUrl(source);
        int threadId = (int) QThread::currentThreadId();
        QString connectionName = sourcePath + ":" + QString::number(threadId);

        // get existing connection if any
        QSqlDatabase connection = QSqlDatabase::database(connectionName, false);

        if (!connection.isOpen()) {
            if (sourcePath.isEmpty()) {
                *error = QSqlError("", "missing database name", QSqlError::ConnectionError);
            } else {
                connection = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", connectionName);
                if (!connection.isValid()) {
                    // invalid driver
                    *error = QSqlError("", "invalid database driver", QSqlError::ConnectionError);
                } else {
                    QFileInfo dbFile(sourcePath);
                    if (!dbFile.exists()) {
                        *error = QSqlError("", "no existing database found \"" + sourcePath + "\"",
                    } else {
                        bool success = connection.open();
                        if (!success) {
                            *error = QSqlError("", "unable to open existing database \"" + sourcePath + "\"",
                        } else {
                            // success
                            *error = QSqlError();
        if (error->type() != QSqlError::NoError) {
            qDebug() << "query error: " << *error;
        return connection;

    QString SqlQueryUtils::extendQuery(const QString &query, int offset, int limit) {
        return QString("%1 limit %2 offset %3").arg(query).arg(limit).arg(offset);

    bool SqlQueryUtils::getQueryData(QSqlDatabase &connection, const QString &query, int offset, int limit,
            const QVariantMap &bindValues, const QString &keyColumn, const QString &revisionColumn,
            QList<DataItem> *results, QSqlError *error) {
        QElapsedTimer timer;

        QSqlQuery sqlQuery(connection);
        QString fullQuery = extendQuery(query, offset, limit);
        SqlQueryUtils::prepareQuery(fullQuery, bindValues, &sqlQuery);

        bool success = sqlQuery.exec();
        if (!success) {
            *error = sqlQuery.lastError();
            qDebug() << "query error: " << *error;
            return false;
        QList<QString> field;
        // Build the result structure.
        while (sqlQuery.next()) {
            QVariantMap recordMap;
            if (field.isEmpty()) {
                QSqlRecord record = sqlQuery.record();
                for (int i = 0, n = record.count(); i < n; i++) {
            for (int i = 0, n = field.size(); i < n; i++) {
                QVariant value = sqlQuery.value(i);
                // JavaScript/QML doesn't support 64bit integers (everything is converted to double)
                // so convert to string here to make sure we don't run into trouble.
                // In the long term it will be cleaner to move this code into something like a
                // query decorator instead of the core query code.
                if (value.type() == QVariant::LongLong || value.type() == QVariant::ULongLong) {
                    value = value.toString();
                recordMap.insert(field.at(i), value);

            // the data item key
            QString keyId;
            if (!keyColumn.isEmpty() && recordMap.contains(keyColumn)) {
                keyId = recordMap.value(keyColumn).toString();

            // the data item revision
            quint64 revision = 0;
            bool revisionOK = false;
            if (!revisionColumn.isEmpty() && recordMap.contains(revisionColumn)) {
                revision = recordMap.value(revisionColumn).toULongLong(&revisionOK);
            DataRevision dataRev = revisionOK ? DataRevision(new NumericRevision(revision)) : DataRevision();

            results->append(DataItem(keyId, dataRev, recordMap));

        qDebug() << "Query executed: " << sqlQuery.executedQuery();
        qDebug() << "Loaded " << results->size() << " items in " << timer.elapsed() << "ms";
        return true;

    bool SqlQueryUtils::getSingleQueryValue(QSqlDatabase &connection, const QString &query, const QVariantMap &bindValues,
            const QString &resultName, QVariant *resultValue, QSqlError *error) {
        QElapsedTimer timer;

        QSqlQuery sqlQuery(connection);
        SqlQueryUtils::prepareQuery(query, bindValues, &sqlQuery);

        *resultValue = QVariant();
        bool success = sqlQuery.exec();
        if (success && sqlQuery.next()) {
            QSqlRecord record = sqlQuery.record();
            int recCount = record.count();
            for (int i = 0; i < recCount; ++i) {
                // Verify result column name if its provided by the caller
                // Otherwise grab the first value and return it
                if (resultName.isEmpty() || resultName.compare(record.fieldName(i), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
                    *resultValue = sqlQuery.value(i);
        } else {
            *error = sqlQuery.lastError();
            qDebug() << "query error: " << *error;
            return false;

        qDebug() << "Fetched single value=" << *resultValue << " in " << timer.elapsed() << "ms";
        return true;

    QList<HeaderDataItem> SqlQueryUtils::normalizeHeaderData(const QList<DataItem> &data) {
        QList<HeaderDataItem> headerData;

        if (data.size() == 0) {
            return headerData;

        // examine the first data item
        const DataItem &itemZero = data.at(0);
        QVariantMap itemZeroProperties = itemZero.payload().toMap();
        QStringList itemZeroKeys = itemZeroProperties.keys();

        // get the count key
        QString countKey;
        for (int i = 0, n = itemZeroKeys.size(); i < n; i++) {
            QString keyLower = itemZeroKeys.at(i).toLower();
            if ((keyLower == "count") || keyLower.startsWith("count(")) {
                countKey = itemZeroKeys.at(i);
        if (countKey.isEmpty()) {
            qDebug() << "DataItem does not contain enough header information (no count) to normalize to HeaderDataItem";

        // try a header key name of "header" if no key identified yet
        QString headerKey;
        if (itemZero.keyId().isEmpty()) {
            if (itemZeroProperties.contains("header")) {
                headerKey = "header";
            else {
                qDebug() << "DataItem does not contain enough header information (no key) to normalize to HeaderDataItem";

        for (int i = 0, n = data.size(); i < n; i++) {
            DataItem dataItem = data.at(i);
            QVariantMap properties = dataItem.payload().toMap();
            if (properties.contains(countKey)) {
                int count = properties.value(countKey).toInt();
                if (count > 0) {
                    if (dataItem.keyId().isEmpty() && !headerKey.isEmpty()) {
                        HeaderDataItem headerItem(properties.value(headerKey).toString(), dataItem.revision(), count, dataItem.payload());
                    else {
                        HeaderDataItem headerItem(dataItem, count);
        return headerData;

     * Replace named placeholder query with positional placeholder query to get rid of problems with QT code.
     * This fixes:
     * 1. When a query has no parameters but bindValues *is* supplied.
     * 2. When a query uses the same named parameter more than once in query string.
     * Fix should be applied in QT code in QSqlRecordPrivate.
    void SqlQueryUtils::prepareQuery(const QString &query, const QVariantMap &bindValues, QSqlQuery *sqlQuery) {
        QString positionalQuery(query);
        QVariantList positionalBindValues = createPositionalQueryAndList(positionalQuery, bindValues);
        if (sqlQuery->prepare(positionalQuery)) {
            if (!positionalBindValues.isEmpty()) {
                bindParameters(positionalBindValues, sqlQuery);

    ///////////////////////// File scope helper functions//////////////////////////
    //////////// copied from multimedia to solve issues in QSqlResult /////////////

    // deal with keys with or without leading ':'
    static QVariant valueLookup(const QVariantMap& bindValues, QString key) {
        if (!bindValues.contains(key) && key.startsWith(':')) {
            key = key.remove(0, 1);
        return bindValues.value(key);

    static QVariantList createPositionalQueryAndList(QString& baseSql, const QVariantMap& bindValues) {
        QVariantList values;

        if (bindValues.size() > 0) {
            //Note: the below algorithm is based on QSqlResultPrivate::namedToPositionalBinding
            //in an attempt to keep this code in sync with QT's param parsing.

            int length = baseSql.length();
            bool inEscape = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < length;) {
                QChar ch = baseSql.at(i);
                if (ch == QLatin1Char(':') && !inEscape && (i == 0 || baseSql.at(i - 1) != QLatin1Char(':'))
                        && (i + 1 < length && (baseSql.at(i + 1)).isLetterOrNumber())) {

                    //fast forward to end of term
                    int end = i + 2;
                    for (; end < length && baseSql.at(end).isLetterOrNumber(); ++end)

                    //extract value for this term
                    QString oldKey = baseSql.mid(i, end - i);

                    //replace term with unique term
                    baseSql.replace(i, end - i, '?');
                    values.append(valueLookup(bindValues, oldKey));

                    //correct loop variables
                    length = baseSql.length();
                    i = end + (1 - oldKey.length());
                } else {
                    if (ch == QLatin1Char('\'')) {
                        inEscape = !inEscape;
        return values;


    static void bindParameters(const QVariantList& bindValues, QSqlQuery *sqlQuery) {
        if (!bindValues.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = bindValues.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                sqlQuery->bindValue(i, bindValues.at(i));