Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

main.qml Example File

    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0

    Page {
        attachedObjects: [
            SystemToast {
                id: toast
                body: qsTr("Toast body")
                icon: "asset:///images/Battery-low.png"
                onFinished: {
                    if (result == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (result == SystemUiResult.CancelButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (result == SystemUiResult.TimeOut) {
            SystemPrompt {
                id: prompt
                title: qsTr("PROMPT")
                modality: SystemUiModality.Application
                inputField.inputMode: SystemUiInputMode.Password
                confirmButton.label: qsTr("Okay button")
                confirmButton.enabled: true
                cancelButton.label: qsTr("Cancel button")
                cancelButton.enabled: true
                onFinished: {
                    if (result == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (result == SystemUiResult.CancelButtonSelection) {
            SystemCredentialsPrompt {
                id: credentialsPrompt
                modality: SystemUiModality.Global
                title: qsTr("CREDENTIALS PROMPT")
                body: qsTr("Credentials dialog body")
                includeShowPassword: true
                includeRememberMe: true
                confirmButton.label: qsTr("Login button")
                confirmButton.enabled: true
                cancelButton.label: qsTr("Cancel button")
                cancelButton.enabled: true
                onFinished: {
                    if (result == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (result == SystemUiResult.CancelButtonSelection) {
            SystemDialog {
                id: dialog
                title: qsTr("DIALOG")
                body: qsTr("Dialog body")
                confirmButton.label: qsTr("Okay button")
                confirmButton.enabled: true
                cancelButton.label: qsTr("Cancel button")
                cancelButton.enabled: true
                buttons: [
                    SystemUiButton {
                        id: random
                        label: qsTr("RANDOM")
                        enabled: true
                    SystemUiButton {
                        id: random2
                        label: qsTr("RANDOM2")
                        enabled: true
                onFinished: {
                    var x = result;
                    if (x == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (x == SystemUiResult.CancelButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (x == SystemUiResult.ButtonSelection) {
                    } else if (x == SystemUiResult.None) {
                    } else if (x == SystemUiResult.Error) {
                    } else if (x == SystemUiResult.TimeOut) {
                    } else {


        Container {
            layout: DockLayout {}

            ImageView {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

                imageSource: "asset:///images/background.png"

            Container {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

                leftPadding: 20
                topPadding: 20
                rightPadding: 20
                bottomPadding: 20

                Label {
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center

                    text: qsTr("Dialog Demo")
                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
                    textStyle.color: Color.White

                TextField {
                    topMargin: 100

                    hintText: qsTr("Enter text of dialog")

                RadioGroup {
                    id: group

                    topMargin: 20

                    Option {
                        id: option1;
                        text: qsTr("Toast");
                        value: toast
                        selected: true

                    Option {
                        id: option2;
                        text: qsTr("Prompt")
                        value: prompt

                    Option {
                        id: option3;
                        text: qsTr("Credentials Prompt")
                        value: credentialsPrompt

                    Option {
                        id: option4;
                        text: qsTr("Dialog")
                        value: dialog

                Container {
                    layout: StackLayout {
                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight

                    topMargin: 40

                    Button {
                        id: show
                        text: qsTr("Show")
                        onClicked: group.selectedValue.show()

                    Button {
                        id: cancel
                        text: qsTr("Cancel")
                        onClicked: group.selectedValue.cancel()