Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

app.cpp Example File

    * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    #include "app.hpp"

    #include "PushContentController.hpp"

    #include <bb/cascades/AbstractPane>
    #include <bb/cascades/Application>
    #include <bb/cascades/QmlDocument>
    #include <bb/cascades/Sheet>

    #include <bb/network/PushErrorCode>

    #include <bb/platform/Notification>

    #include <bb/system/InvokeRequest>
    #include <bb/system/SystemDialog>
    #include <bb/system/SystemUiButton>

    #define BB_OPEN_INVOCATION_ACTION "bb.action.OPEN"
    #define NOTIFICATION_PREFIX "com.example.pushCollector_"

    using namespace bb::network;
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    using namespace bb::system;
    using namespace bb::platform;

        : m_invokeManager(new InvokeManager(this))
        , m_registerPrompt(new SystemCredentialsPrompt(this))
        , m_unregisterPrompt(new SystemCredentialsPrompt(this))
        , m_shouldRegisterToLaunch(false)
        , m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch(false)
        , m_hasBeenInForeground(false)
        , m_configSaveAction(false)
        , m_pushContentController(new PushContentController(this))
        , m_model(new GroupDataModel(this))
        qmlRegisterType<bb::system::SystemUiButton>("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemUiButton");
        qmlRegisterType<SystemDialog>("bb.system", 1, 0, "SystemDialog");

        // We set up the application Organization and name, this is used by QSettings
        // when saving values to the persistent store.
        QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Push Collector");

        m_model->setSortingKeys(QStringList() << "pushdate" << "pushtime");

        connect(m_model, SIGNAL(itemAdded(QVariantList)), SIGNAL(modelIsEmptyChanged()));
        connect(m_model, SIGNAL(itemUpdated(QVariantList)), SIGNAL(modelIsEmptyChanged()));
        connect(m_model, SIGNAL(itemRemoved(QVariantList)), SIGNAL(modelIsEmptyChanged()));
        connect(m_model, SIGNAL(itemsChanged(bb::cascades::DataModelChangeType::Type, QSharedPointer<bb::cascades::DataModel::IndexMapper>)), SIGNAL(modelIsEmptyChanged()));

        // initialize the registerPrompt
        QObject::connect(m_registerPrompt, SIGNAL(finished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type)),
                this, SLOT(onRegisterPromptFinished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type)));

        // initialize the unregisterPrompt
        QObject::connect(m_unregisterPrompt, SIGNAL(finished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type)),
                this, SLOT(onUnregisterPromptFinished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type)));

        // load the configuration settings

        // connect the push notification service signals and slots
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(createSessionCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)),
                this, SLOT(onCreateSessionCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(createChannelCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&, const QString)),
                this, SLOT(onCreateChannelCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&, const QString)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(destroyChannelCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)),
                this, SLOT(onDestroyChannelCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(registerToLaunchCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)),
                this, SLOT(onRegisterToLaunchCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(unregisterFromLaunchCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)),
                this, SLOT(onUnregisterFromLaunchCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus&)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(piRegistrationCompleted(int, const QString)),
                this, SLOT(onPIRegistrationCompleted(int, const QString)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(piDeregistrationCompleted(int, const QString)),
                this, SLOT(onPIDeregistrationCompleted(int, const QString)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(simChanged()),
                this, SLOT(onSimChanged()));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(pushTransportReady(bb::network::PushCommand::Type)),
                    this, SLOT(onPushTransportReady(bb::network::PushCommand::Type)));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(noPushServiceConnection()),
                this, SLOT(onNoPushServiceConnection()));
        QObject::connect(&m_pushNotificationService, SIGNAL(allPushesRemoved()),
                this, SLOT(onAllPushesRemoved()));

        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml");
        qml->setContextProperty("_pushAPIHandler", this);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject<AbstractPane>();

        // populate the model with the pushes that are stored in the database

        // connect to InvokeManager "invoked" signal to handle incoming push notifications.
        // We will ignore non-push invoke requests.
        connect(m_invokeManager, SIGNAL(invoked(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&)),
                SLOT(onInvoked(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&)));


    void App::onFullscreen()
        m_hasBeenInForeground = true;

    void App::saveConfiguration()
        // First, load the previous configuration so we can determine whether or not to register to launch
        // or unregister from launch
        if (m_configurationService.hasConfiguration()) {
            Configuration storedConfig = m_configurationService.configuration();

            if (!storedConfig.launchApplicationOnPush() && m_configuration.launchApplicationOnPush()) {
                m_shouldRegisterToLaunch = true;
                m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch = false;
            } else if (storedConfig.launchApplicationOnPush() && !m_configuration.launchApplicationOnPush()) {
                m_shouldRegisterToLaunch = false;
                m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch = true;
            } else {
                m_shouldRegisterToLaunch = false;
                m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch = false;

        } else {
            m_shouldRegisterToLaunch = m_configuration.launchApplicationOnPush();

            // There is no configuration currently stored, so register to launch was never previously called
            // so we wouldn't need to call unregister
            m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch = false;

        if (m_usePublicPpg || m_useSdk)

        if (m_usePublicPpg)

        if (m_useSdk)


        openActivityDialog(tr("Configuration"),tr("Saving configuration..."));
        m_configSaveAction = true;

    void App::loadConfiguration()
        m_configuration = m_configurationService.configuration();

        m_appId = m_configuration.providerApplicationId();
        m_ppgUrl = m_configuration.ppgUrl();
        m_pushInitiatorUrl = m_configuration.pushInitiatorUrl();
        m_useSdk = !m_pushInitiatorUrl.isEmpty();
        m_launchApplicationOnPush = m_configuration.launchApplicationOnPush();
        m_usePublicPpg = m_configuration.usingPublicPushProxyGateway();

        emit appIdChanged();
        emit ppgUrlChanged();
        emit pushInitiatorUrlChanged();
        emit useSdkChanged();
        emit launchApplicationOnPushChanged();
        emit usePublicPpgChanged();

    bool App::validateConfiguration()
        bool isValid = false;

        // Trim the values
        m_appId = m_appId.trimmed();
        m_ppgUrl = m_ppgUrl.trimmed();
        m_pushInitiatorUrl = m_pushInitiatorUrl.trimmed();

        if ((m_usePublicPpg || m_useSdk) && m_appId.isEmpty()) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: No provider application ID was specified."));
        } else if ((m_usePublicPpg || m_useSdk) && m_appId.indexOf("||") != -1) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: A provider application ID is not allowed to contain '||'."));
        } else if (m_usePublicPpg && m_ppgUrl.isEmpty()) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: No PPG URL was specified."));
        } else if (m_usePublicPpg && !m_ppgUrl.startsWith("http://")) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: The PPG URL must start with http://."));
        } else if (m_usePublicPpg && !QUrl(m_ppgUrl).isValid()) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: The PPG URL is invalid."));
        } else if (m_usePublicPpg && m_ppgUrl.endsWith("/")) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: The PPG URL should not end with a /. One will be automatically added to the end."));
        } else if (m_useSdk && m_pushInitiatorUrl.isEmpty()) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: No Push Initiator URL was specified."));
        } else if (m_useSdk && !m_pushInitiatorUrl.startsWith("http://") && !m_pushInitiatorUrl.startsWith("https://")) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: The Push Initiator URL must start with http:// or https://."));
        } else if (m_useSdk && !QUrl(m_pushInitiatorUrl).isValid()) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: The Push Initiator URL is invalid."));
        } else if (m_useSdk && m_pushInitiatorUrl.endsWith("/")) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Error: The Push Initiator URL should not end with a /. One will be automatically added to the end."));
        } else {
            isValid = true;

        return isValid;

    void App::onNoPushServiceConnection()
        emit closeActivityDialog();

        if (m_configSaveAction) {
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), tr("Configuration was saved, but was unable to create push session. Error: Push Service could not connect to the Push Agent)"));
        } else {
            showDialog(tr("Push Collector"), tr("Error: Push Service could not connect to the Push Agent"));

        m_configSaveAction = false;

    void App::onCreateSessionCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus &status)
        emit closeActivityDialog();

        if (status.code() == PushErrorCode::NoError) {
            if (m_shouldRegisterToLaunch) {
            } else if (m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch) {

            if (m_configSaveAction){
                showDialog(tr("Configuration"),tr("Configuration was saved. Please register now."));
        } else{
            if (m_configSaveAction) {
                showDialog(tr("Configuration"), m_notificationBody + tr("Configuration was saved, but was unable to create push session. (Error code: %0)").arg(status.code()));
            } else {
                // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
                showDialog(tr("Push Collector"), m_notificationBody + tr("Error: unable to create push session. (Error code: %0)").arg(status.code()));

        m_configSaveAction = false;

    void App::createChannel()
        if (!m_configurationService.hasConfiguration()) {
            showDialog(tr("Push Collector"), tr("Please fill in the config before attempting to register."));
        } else {
            if (!m_configuration.pushInitiatorUrl().isEmpty()) {
                // The Push Service SDK will be used on the server-side so prompt for a username and password


            } else {
                // No username and password is needed when the
                // Push Service SDK is not being used on the server-side so
                // Jump straight to creating a push channel
                openActivityDialog(tr("Register"), tr("Creating push channel..."));

    void App::onCreateChannelCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus &status, const QString &token)
        qDebug()<< "creatChannelComplete status: " << status.code();
        qDebug()<< "createChannelComplete token: " << token;

        emit closeActivityDialog();

        // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
        QString message = QString("Create channel failed with error code: %0").arg(status.code());

        case  PushErrorCode::NoError:
             if (!m_configuration.pushInitiatorUrl().isEmpty()) {
                // Now, attempt to subscribe to the Push Initiator
                openActivityDialog(tr("Register"), tr("Subscribing to Push Initiator..."));

                // This is very important: the token returned in the create channel success event is what
                // the Push Initiator should use when initiating a push to the BlackBerry Push Service.
                // This token must be communicated back to the Push Initiator's server-side application.
                m_pushNotificationService.subscribeToPushInitiator(m_user, token);
            } else {
                message = tr("Register succeeded.");
        case  PushErrorCode::TransportFailure:
            message = tr("Create channel failed as the push transport is unavailable. "
                      "Verify your mobile network and/or Wi-Fi are turned on. "
                      "If they are on, you will be notified when the push transport is available again.");
        case PushErrorCode::SubscriptionContentNotAvailable:
            message = tr("Create channel failed as the PPG is currently returning a server error. "
                      "You will be notified when the PPG is available again.");

        showDialog(tr("Register"), message);

    void App::onRegisterPromptFinished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type value)
        if (value == SystemUiResult::ConfirmButtonSelection) {
            QString username = m_registerPrompt->usernameEntry().trimmed();
            QString password = m_registerPrompt->passwordEntry().trimmed();

            if (validateUser(tr("Register"), username, password)) {

                openActivityDialog(tr("Register"), tr("Creating push channel..."));
            } else {

    void App::onPIRegistrationCompleted(int code, const QString &description)
        emit closeActivityDialog();

        if (code == 200) {
            showDialog(tr("Register"), tr("Register succeeded."));
        } else {
            // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
            showDialog(tr("Register"), tr("Subscribe to the Push Initiator failed with error code: %0. Reason: %1").arg(QString::number(code), description));

    void App::destroyChannel()
        if (!m_configurationService.hasConfiguration()) {
            showDialog(tr("Push Collector"), tr("Please fill in the config before attempting to unregister."));
        } else {
            if (!m_configuration.pushInitiatorUrl().isEmpty()) {
                // The Push Service SDK will be used on the server-side so prompt for a username and password


            } else {
                // No username and password is needed when the
                // Push Service SDK is not being used
                // Jump straight to destroying a push channel
                openActivityDialog(tr("Unregister"), tr("Destroying push channel..."));

    void App::onDestroyChannelCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus &status)
        qDebug() << "onDestroyChannelCompleted: " << status.code();

        emit closeActivityDialog();

        // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
        QString message = QString("Destroy channel failed with error code: %0").arg(status.code());

        case  PushErrorCode::NoError:
             if (!m_configuration.pushInitiatorUrl().isEmpty()) {
                 // The Push Service SDK will be used to unsubscribe to the Push Initiator's server-side application since a
                 // Push Initiator URL was specified

                 openActivityDialog(tr("Unregister"), tr("Unsubscribing from Push Initiator..."));
                 // Now, attempt to unsubscribe from the Push Initiator
            } else {
                message = tr("Unregister succeeded.");
        case  PushErrorCode::TransportFailure:
            message = tr("Destroy channel failed as the push transport is unavailable. "
                      "Verify your mobile network and/or Wi-Fi are turned on. "
                      "If they are on, you will be notified when the push transport is available again.");
        case PushErrorCode::SubscriptionContentNotAvailable:
            message = tr("Destroy channel failed as the PPG is currently returning a server error. "
                      "You will be notified when the PPG is available again.");

        showDialog(tr("Unregister"), message);

    void App::onUnregisterPromptFinished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type value)
        if (value == SystemUiResult::ConfirmButtonSelection) {
            QString username = m_unregisterPrompt->usernameEntry().trimmed();
            QString password = m_unregisterPrompt->passwordEntry().trimmed();

            if (validateUser(tr("Unregister"), username, password)) {
                openActivityDialog(tr("Unregister"), tr("Destroying push channel..."));
            } else {

    void App::onPIDeregistrationCompleted(int code, const QString &description)
        emit closeActivityDialog();

        if (code == 200) {
            showDialog(tr("Unregister"), tr("Unregister succeeded."));
        } else {
            // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
            showDialog(tr("Unregister"), tr("Unsubscribe from the Push Initiator failed with error code: %0. Reason: %1").arg(QString::number(code), description));

    void App::onRegisterToLaunchCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus &status)
        if (status.code() != PushErrorCode::NoError) {
            // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), m_notificationBody + tr("Register to launch failed with error code: %0.").arg(status.code()));

    void App::onUnregisterFromLaunchCompleted(const bb::network::PushStatus &status)
        if (status.code() != PushErrorCode::NoError) {
            // Typically in your own application you wouldn't want to display this error to your users
            showDialog(tr("Configuration"), m_notificationBody + tr("Unregister from launch failed with error code: %0.").arg(status.code()));

    void App::onInvoked(const InvokeRequest &request)
        if (m_configurationService.hasConfiguration()) {
            // The underlying PushService instance might not have been
            // initialized when an invoke first comes in
            // Make sure that we initialize it here if it hasn't been already
            // It requires an application ID (for consumer applications) so we have to check
            // that configuration settings have already been stored

            if (request.action().compare(BB_PUSH_INVOCATION_ACTION) == 0) {
                qDebug() << "Received push action";
                // Received an incoming push
                // Extract it from the invoke request and then process it
                PushPayload payload(request);
                if (payload.isValid()) {
            } else if (request.action().compare(BB_OPEN_INVOCATION_ACTION) == 0){
                qDebug() << "Received open action";
                // Received an invoke request to open an existing push (ie. from a notification in the BlackBerry Hub)
                // The payload from the open invoke is the seqnum for the push in the database

    void App::pushNotificationHandler(bb::network::PushPayload &pushPayload)
        // Check for a duplicate push
        PushHistoryItem pushHistoryItem(pushPayload.id());

        if (m_pushNotificationService.checkForDuplicatePush(pushHistoryItem)) {
            // A duplicate was found, stop processing. Silently discard this push from the user
            qWarning() << QString("Duplicate push was found with ID: %0.").arg(pushPayload.id());

            // Exit the application if it has not been brought to the foreground
            if (!m_hasBeenInForeground) {


        // Convert from PushPayload to Push so that it can be stored in the database
        Push push(pushPayload);

        // Save the push and set the sequence number (ID) of the push

        // Create a notification for the push that will be added to the BlackBerry Hub
        Notification *notification = new Notification(NOTIFICATION_PREFIX + QString::number(push.seqNum()),this);
        notification->setTitle("Push Collector");
        notification->setBody(QString("New %0 push received").arg(push.fileExtension()));

        // Add an invoke request to the notification
        // This invoke will contain the seqnum of the push.
        // When the notification in the BlackBerry Hub is selected, this seqnum will be used to lookup the push in
        // the database and display it
        InvokeRequest invokeRequest;

        // Add the notification for the push to the BlackBerry Hub
        // Calling this method will add a "splat" to the application icon, indicating that a new push has been received


        // If an acknowledgement of the push is required (that is, the push was sent as a confirmed push
        // - which is equivalent terminology to the push being sent with application level reliability),
        // then you must either accept the push or reject the push
        if (pushPayload.isAckRequired()) {
            // In our sample, we always accept the push, but situations might arise where an application
            // might want to reject the push (for example, after looking at the headers that came with the push
            // or the data of the push, we might decide that the push received did not match what we expected
            // and so we might want to reject it)

        // If the "Launch Application on New Push" checkbox was checked in the config settings, then
        // a new push will launch the app so that it's running in the background (if the app was not
        // already running when the push came in)
        // In this case, the push launched the app (not the user), so it makes sense
        // once our processing of the push is done to just exit the app
        // But, if the user has brought the app to the foreground at some point, then they know about the
        // app running and so we leave the app running after we're done processing the push
        if (!m_hasBeenInForeground) {

    void App::deletePush(const QVariantMap &item)
        SystemDialog deleteDialog;
        deleteDialog.setBody("Delete Item?");

        if (deleteDialog.exec() == SystemUiResult::ConfirmButtonSelection) {
            Push push(item);

            // The push has been deleted, so delete the notification
            Notification::deleteFromInbox(NOTIFICATION_PREFIX + QString::number(push.seqNum()));


    void App::deleteAllPushes()
        SystemDialog deleteAllDialog;
        deleteAllDialog.setTitle("Delete ALL");
        deleteAllDialog.setBody("Delete All Items?");

        if (deleteAllDialog.exec() == SystemUiResult::ConfirmButtonSelection) {

    void App::markAllPushesAsRead()
        if (m_model->size() > 0) {
            // All the pushes have been marked as open/read, so delete all the notifications for the app


            for (QVariantList indexPath = m_model->first(); !indexPath.isEmpty(); indexPath = m_model->after(indexPath)) {
                QVariantMap item =  m_model->data(indexPath).toMap();
                item["unread"] = false;

    void App::selectPush(const QVariantList &indexPath)
        const QVariantMap item = m_model->data(indexPath).toMap();
        Push push(item);
        updatePushContent(push, indexPath);

    void App::openPush(int pushSeqNum)
        Push push = m_pushNotificationService.push(pushSeqNum);
        QVariantList indexPath = m_model->findExact(push.toMap());
        updatePushContent(push, indexPath);

    void App::updatePushContent(Push &push, const QVariantList &indexPath)

        m_model->updateItem(indexPath, push.toMap());

        // The push has been opened, so delete the notification
        Notification::deleteFromInbox(NOTIFICATION_PREFIX + QString::number(push.seqNum()));


    void App::onAllPushesRemoved()
        // All the pushes have been deleted, so delete all the notifications for the app

    QString App::convertToUtf8String(const QVariant &pushContent)
        return QString::fromUtf8(pushContent.toByteArray().data());

    void App::onSimChanged()
        // Remove the currently registered user (if there is one)
        // and unsubscribe the user from the Push Initiator since
        // switching SIMs might indicate we are dealing with
        // a different user. Also, remove all pushes and push
        // history from the database.

        SystemDialog simChangeDialog;
        simChangeDialog.setTitle("Push Collector");
        simChangeDialog.setBody("The SIM card was changed and, as a result, the current user has been unregistered. Would you like to re-register?");

        if (simChangeDialog.exec() == SystemUiResult::ConfirmButtonSelection) {

    void App::onPushTransportReady(bb::network::PushCommand::Type command)
        QString message = "The push transport is now available. Please try ";
        if (command == PushCommand::CreateChannel){
            message += "registering ";
        } else {
            message += "unregistering ";

        message += "again.";

        showDialog(tr("Push Collector"), message);

    void App::initializePushSession()
        // If the app already has config info saved then create the session
        if (m_configurationService.hasConfiguration()) {

            m_shouldRegisterToLaunch = m_configuration.launchApplicationOnPush();
            m_shouldUnregisterFromLaunch = !m_configuration.launchApplicationOnPush();

        } else {

            Sheet* configSheet = Application::instance()->findChild<Sheet*>("configurationSheet");
            if (configSheet) {

                m_hasBeenInForeground = true;

            showDialog(tr("Push Collector"), tr("No configuration settings were found. Please fill them in."));

    void App::showDialog(const QString &title, const QString &message)
        m_notificationTitle = title;
        m_notificationBody = message;

        emit notificationChanged();

    void App::openActivityDialog(const QString& title, const QString &message)
        m_activityDialogTitle = title;
        m_activityDialogBody = message;
        emit activityDialogChanged();

        emit openActivityDialog();

    void App::loadUser()
        m_user = m_pushNotificationService.getCurrentlyRegisteredUser();

    void App::setPromptDefaultText(SystemCredentialsPrompt* prompt,const QString &username, const QString &password)
        if (prompt) {

    bool App::validateUser(const QString &dialogTitle, const QString &username, const QString &password)
        bool isValid = false;

        if (username.isEmpty()) {
            showDialog(dialogTitle, tr("Error: No username was specified."));
        } else if (password.isEmpty()) {
            showDialog(dialogTitle, tr("Error: No password was specified."));
        } else {
            isValid = true;

        return isValid;

    QString App::appId() const
        return m_appId;

    void App::setAppId(const QString &appId)
        if (m_appId == appId)

        m_appId = appId;
        emit appIdChanged();

    QString App::ppgUrl() const
        return m_ppgUrl;

    void App::setPpgUrl(const QString &ppgUrl)
        if (m_ppgUrl == ppgUrl)

        m_ppgUrl = ppgUrl;
        emit ppgUrlChanged();

    QString App::pushInitiatorUrl() const
        return m_pushInitiatorUrl;

    void App::setPushInitiatorUrl(const QString &pushInitiatorUrl)
        if (m_pushInitiatorUrl == pushInitiatorUrl)

        m_pushInitiatorUrl = pushInitiatorUrl;
        emit pushInitiatorUrlChanged();

    bool App::launchApplicationOnPush() const
        return m_launchApplicationOnPush;

    void App::setLaunchApplicationOnPush(bool launchAppOnPush)
        if (m_launchApplicationOnPush == launchAppOnPush)

        m_launchApplicationOnPush = launchAppOnPush;
        emit launchApplicationOnPushChanged();

    bool App::useSdk() const
        return m_useSdk;

    void App::setUseSdk(bool value)
        if (m_useSdk == value)

        m_useSdk = value;
        emit useSdkChanged();

    bool App::usePublicPpg() const
        return m_usePublicPpg;

    void App::setUsePublicPpg(bool usingPublicPpg)
        if (m_usePublicPpg == usingPublicPpg)

        m_usePublicPpg = usingPublicPpg;
        emit usePublicPpgChanged();

    bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* App::model() const
        return m_model;

    bool App::modelIsEmpty() const
        return (m_model->size() == 0);

    QString App::notificationTitle() const
        return m_notificationTitle;

    QString App::notificationBody() const
        return m_notificationBody;

    QString App::activityDialogTitle() const
        return m_activityDialogTitle;

    QString App::activityDialogBody() const
        return m_activityDialogBody;

    PushContentController* App::currentPushContent() const
        return m_pushContentController;