Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

app.cpp Example File

    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #include "app.hpp"

    #include "Person.hpp"

    #include <bb/cascades/AbstractPane>
    #include <bb/cascades/Application>
    #include <bb/cascades/QmlDocument>
    #include <bb/data/SqlDataAccess>
    #include <bb/data/DataAccessError>
    #include <bb/system/SystemDialog>

    #include <QtSql/QtSql>
    #include <QDebug>

    using namespace bb::cascades;
    using namespace bb::data;
    using namespace bb::system;

    const QString DB_PATH = "./data/customerDatabase.db";

        : m_dataModel(0)
        // Initialize the Group Data Model before setitng up our QML Scene
        // as the QML scene will bind to the data model

        // Create a QMLDocument from the definition in main.qml
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

        //-- setContextProperty expose C++ object in QML as an variable
        // this must come before the next line so the root is instantiated after app is defined.
        qml->setContextProperty("_app", this);

        // Creates the root node object as defined in main.qml
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject<AbstractPane>();

        // Give the application the root node to display.

        // Initialize the database, ensure a connection can be established
        // and that all the required tables and initial data exists
        const bool dbInited = initDatabase();

        // Inform the UI if the database was successfully initialized or not
        root->setProperty("databaseOpen", dbInited);
    void App::initDataModel()
        // Note: The Group Data Model is joining this objects tree as a child (for memory management)
        m_dataModel = new GroupDataModel(this);
        m_dataModel->setSortingKeys(QStringList() << "customerID");
    bool App::initDatabase()
        // Initialize the database and create any tables needed for the app to function
        // properly if they do not already exist.
        // IMPORTANT NOTE: This function 'drops' the 'customers' table and recreates it
        // each time the application starts. This is done to ensure the application starts
        // with the same table each time for experimental purposes. This is not typical in
        // most applications however.
        QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");

        // If we cannot open a connection to the database, then fail initialization
        // and display an error message
        if (database.open() == false) {
            const QSqlError error = database.lastError();
            alert(tr("Error opening connection to the database: %1").arg(error.text()));
            qDebug() << "\nDatabase NOT opened.";
            return false; // return as if we cannot open a connection to the db, then below calls
                          // will also fail

        // Drop the 'customers' table if it exists so that the application
        // always start with an empty table.
        // Note: A typical application would NOT do this.
        // open the default database.

        SqlDataAccess *sqlda = new SqlDataAccess(DB_PATH);
        sqlda->execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers");
        if(!sqlda->hasError()) {
            qDebug() << "Table dropped.";
        } else {
            const DataAccessError error = sqlda->error();
            alert(tr("Drop table error: %1").arg(error.errorMessage()));//.arg(error.text()));

        // Create the 'customers' table that was just dropped (if it existed)
        // with no data
        const QString createSQL = "CREATE TABLE customers "
                                  "  (customerID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "
                                  "  firstName VARCHAR, "
                                  "  lastName VARCHAR);";
        if(!sqlda->hasError()) {
            qDebug() << "Table created.";
        } else {
            const DataAccessError error = sqlda->error();
            alert(tr("Create table error: %1").arg(error.errorMessage()));//.arg(error.text()));
            return false;

        return true;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // CRUD Functions
    bool App::createRecord(const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName)
        // 1. Verify the users input is valid.
        //    The SqlQuery's bind functionality will escape a users input ensuring that
        //    characters such as a quote will be properly accepted in the database and
        //    prevent Sql Injection attacks. However, this cannot be relied upon to validate
        //    all the data. In this case, we ensure that at least the firstname OR lastname
        //    contains some form of text.
        if (firstName.trimmed().isEmpty() && lastName.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
            alert(tr("You must provide a first or last name."));
            return false;

        // 2. Creating a SqlDataAccess instance automatically opens a connection
        //    to the database.
        SqlDataAccess *sqlda = new SqlDataAccess(DB_PATH);
        // NOTE: Some applications might verify that the table being inserted to exists
        // at this point, however our application verifies all tables exist at application
        // startup.

        // 3. Create an QVariantList to store your values which will be passed to the
        //    execution query by position. You can also use the other execution method
        //    which uses a QVariantMap and basically is the same as values bound by name.
        //    IMPORTANT NOTE: If ever accepting user information without using bindings,
        //    be sure to 'escape' your queries.
        QVariantList contact;
        contact << firstName << lastName;
        sqlda->execute("INSERT INTO customers"
                      "    (firstName, lastName) "
                      "    VALUES (:firstName, :lastName)", contact);

        // 4. Execute the query and check the result
        bool success = false;
        if(!sqlda->hasError()) {
            alert(tr("Create record succeeded."));
            success = true;
        } else {
            // If 'exec' fails, error information can be accessed via the error function
            // the last error is reset every time exec is called.
            const DataAccessError error = sqlda->error();
            alert(tr("Create record error: %1").arg(error.errorMessage()));
        return success;

    bool App::updateRecord(const QString &customerID, const QString &firstName, const QString &lastName)
        // 1. In this case, the customerID is submitted as a string. The user
        //    might submit an empty id or characters. In these cases it is best to try to filter this input.
        //      IMPORTANT NOTE: In any application ALL user input should be filtered!
        bool intConversionGood = false;
        const int customerIDKey = customerID.toInt(&intConversionGood);
        if (!intConversionGood) {
            alert(tr("You must provide valid integer key."));
            return false;

        // 2. Creating a SqlDataAccess instance automatically opens a connection
        //    to the database.
        SqlDataAccess *sqlda = new SqlDataAccess(DB_PATH);

        // 3. Create an Sql query string which will be used to execute query.
        //    In this example we bind parameters in the query using a QVariantMap as the argument
        //    to the execute method. A large advantage of bindings (aside from performance enhancements)
        //    is that input is automatically
        //    escaped avoiding potential issues with odd characters (quotes) and prevents
        //    SQL Injection attacks.
        //    IMPORTANT NOTE: If ever accepting user information without using bindings,
        //    be sure to 'escape' your queries.
        const QString sqlCommand = "UPDATE customers "
                                   "    SET firstName = :firstName, lastName = :lastName"
                                   "    WHERE customerID = :customerID";
        QVariantMap bindings;
        bindings["firstName"] = firstName;
        bindings["lastName"] = lastName;
        bindings["customerID"] = customerIDKey;

        // 4. Execute the query and check the result for errors
        bool updated = false;
        sqlda->execute(sqlCommand, bindings);
        if (!sqlda->hasError()) {
            // 5. Verify that a customer with that ID exists.
            const QString sqlVerify = "SELECT firstName FROM customers WHERE customerID = :customerID";
            QVariantList args;
            args << customerIDKey;
            QVariant result = sqlda->execute(sqlVerify, args);
            if (!result.isNull() && result.value<QVariantList>().size() > 0) {
                alert(tr("Customer with id=%1 was updated.").arg(customerID));
                updated = true;
            } else {
                alert(tr("Customer with id=%1 was not found.").arg(customerID));
        } else {
            alert(tr("SQL error: %1").arg(sqlda->error().errorMessage()));

        return updated;

    bool App::deleteRecord(const QString &customerID)
        // 1. In this case, the customerID is submitted as a string. The user
        //    might submit an empty id. In these cases it is best to try to filter this input.
        //    IMPORTANT NOTE: In any application ALL user input should be filtered!
        bool intConversionGood = false;
        const int customerIDnumber = customerID.toInt(&intConversionGood);
        if (!intConversionGood) {
            alert(tr("You must provide valid integer key."));
            return false;

        // 2. Creating a SqlDataAccess instance automatically opens a connection
        //    to the database.
        SqlDataAccess *sqlda = new SqlDataAccess(DB_PATH);

        // Verify the customer with ID exists before deleting row. This way we can check
        // afterwards that deletion was successful.
        const QString sqlVerify = "SELECT firstName FROM customers WHERE customerID = :customerID";
        QVariantList argsList;
        argsList << customerIDnumber;
        QVariant verificationResult = sqlda->execute(sqlVerify, argsList);
        if(verificationResult.isNull() || verificationResult.value<QVariantList>().size() == 0) {
            alert(tr("Customer with id=%1 was not found.").arg(customerID));
            return false;

        // 3. Create an Sql query string which will be used to execute query.
        //    In this example we bind parameters in the query using a QVariantMap as the argument
        //    to the execute method. A large advantage of bindings (aside from performance enhancements)
        //    is that input is automatically
        //    escaped avoiding potential issues with odd characters (quotes) and prevents
        //    SQL Injection attacks.
        //    IMPORTANT NOTE: If ever accepting user information without using bindings,
        //    be sure to 'escape' your queries.
        QVariantMap bindings;
        bindings["customerID"] = customerIDnumber;
        sqlda->execute("DELETE FROM customers WHERE customerID=:customerID", bindings);

        // 4. Execute the query and check the result for errors
        bool deleted = false;
        if (!sqlda->hasError()) {
            verificationResult = sqlda->execute(sqlVerify, argsList);
            if (!verificationResult.isNull() && verificationResult.value<QVariantList>().size() == 0) {
                alert(tr("Customer with id=%1 was deleted.").arg(customerID));
                deleted = true;
            } else {
                alert(tr("Customer with id=%1 was not found.").arg(customerID));
        } else {
            alert(tr("SQL error: %1").arg(sqlda->error().errorMessage()));

        return deleted;
    // Read all records from the database.
    // Clear the data model and refill it.
    void App::readRecords()
        // 1. Create the local DB connection via SqlDataAccess instance. Note, creating instance
        //    Will automatically open a connection to the database.
        SqlDataAccess *sqlda = new SqlDataAccess(DB_PATH);

        // 2. Create a query to search for the records
        //    IMPORTANT NOTE: If accepting user input and not using bindings, be sure
        //    to escape it to allow quote characters, and prevent SQL Injection attacks.
        //    The below example is not a prepared statement and does not use bindings as
        //    there is no user input to accept.

        const QString sqlQuery = "SELECT customerID, firstName, lastName FROM customers";

        // 3. Call 'execute' on the SqlDataAccess. Note, that when using a SELECT action,
        //    the retrieved records are stored in the QVariantList as QVariantMap objects.
        QVariant result = sqlda->execute(sqlQuery);
        if (!sqlda->hasError()) {
            int recordsRead = 0;
            // The data will be displayed in a group data model
            // Clear any previous reads from the data model first
            if( !result.isNull() ) {
                // If the query is successful and results are not null
                // you can access the records through the QVariantList
                // by accessing the QVariantMap object at each index for the records values.
                // ImportantNote: The alternative is to add to the model directly exposing the records values for reference via qml.
                //                You essentially get the same result as with the Person object but with less hassle.
                // m_dataModel->insertList(result.value<QVariantList>());
                QVariantList list = result.value<QVariantList>();
                recordsRead = list.size();
                for(int i = 0; i < recordsRead; i++) {
                    QVariantMap map = list.at(i).value<QVariantMap>();
                    Person *person = new Person(map["customerID"].toString(),
                    //NOTE: When adding an object to a DataModel, the DataModel sets
                    //    itself as the parent of the object if no parent has already been
                    //    set. Therefore, when clearing or removing an item from the data model
                    //    the data model will destroy the object if it is the parent of the object.

            qDebug() << "Read " << recordsRead << " records succeeded";

            if (recordsRead == 0) {
                alert(tr("The customer table is empty."));
        } else {
            alert(tr("Read records failed: %1").arg(sqlda->error().errorMessage()));
    GroupDataModel* App::dataModel() const
        return m_dataModel;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Alert Dialog Box Functions
    void App::alert(const QString &message)
        SystemDialog *dialog; // SystemDialog uses the BB10 native dialog.
        dialog = new SystemDialog(tr("OK"), 0); // New dialog with on 'Ok' button, no 'Cancel' button
        dialog->setTitle(tr("Alert")); // set a title for the message
        dialog->setBody(message); // set the message itself
        dialog->setDismissAutomatically(true); // Hides the dialog when a button is pressed.

        // Setup slot to mark the dialog for deletion in the next event loop after the dialog has been accepted.
        bool ok = connect(dialog, SIGNAL(finished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type)), dialog, SLOT(deleteLater()));