Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

main.qml Example File

    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import com.sample.payment 1.0

    // Standard TabbedPane to provide the various payment screens
    TabbedPane {
        // property used for the traversal of each receipt string character
        property int i: 0

        // property holding the receipt string for display
        property string receiptArea: ""
        onActiveTabChanged: {
            purchases.text = ""
            purchaseId.text = ""
        Tab {
            title: qsTr ("Buy")
            imageSource: "asset:///images/buy.png"

            Page {

                // Container for oraganizing the different visual components
                Container {
                    rightPadding: 10
                    leftPadding: 10

                    background: Color.Black

                    // Container for holding the title
                    Container {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                        rightPadding: 100

                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: -1

                        // A standard ImageView displaying the title
                        ImageView {
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                            topMargin: 20

                            imageSource: "asset:///images/goods_title.png"
                            preferredWidth: 200
                            preferredHeight: 100

                    // Container for holding the item iamges
                    Container {
                        id: imagine

                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                        topPadding: 5
                        rightPadding: 40

                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight

                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: -1

                        // A standard ImageView
                        ImageView {
                            imageSource: "asset:///images/banana.png"
                            preferredWidth: 128
                            preferredHeight: 86
                            rightMargin: 30

                        // A standard ImageView
                        ImageView {
                            imageSource: "asset:///images/leek.png"
                            preferredWidth: 128
                            preferredHeight: 86
                            rightMargin: 30

                        // A standard ImageView
                        ImageView {
                            imageSource: "asset:///images/strawberries.png"
                            preferredWidth: 128
                            preferredHeight: 86

                    // Container for displaying the Divider
                    Container {
                        topMargin: 5
                        bottomMargin: 20
                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: -1
                        background: Color.create ("#615A5F")
                        Divider {

                    // Container for the application control Button's
                    Container {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        topPadding: 5
                        rightPadding: 40

                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight

                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: -1
                        translationX: 1000

                        // A standard Button
                        Button {
                            text: qsTr ("BUY")
                            // Perform the purchase transaction on click
                            onClicked: {
                                // Reset some old values
                                receipt.text = ""
                                message.visible = false
                                paymentControl.purchase (paymentControl.id, paymentControl.sku, paymentControl.name, paymentControl.metadata)

                        // A standard Button
                        Button {
                            text: qsTr ("SUB TERMS")

                            // Display the subscription terms on click
                            onClicked: {
                                paymentControl.getSubscriptionTerms (paymentControl.id, paymentControl.sku)
                        // Animation for sliding button effect
                        animations: [
                            TranslateTransition {
                                id: showButtons
                                toX: 0
                                duration: 1000

                    // Container for the ListView
                    Container {
                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: 5
                        translationY: 1000
                        // A standard ListView
                        ListView {
                            // The data model to use for propagating the list
                            dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                                source: "models/goods.xml"
                            // The component to use for data items
                            listItemComponents: [
                                ListItemComponent {
                                    type: "digitalgood"
                                    DigitalGood {

                            onTriggered: {

                            // Retrieve and save the selected items data
                            onSelectionChanged: {
                                // Reset some old values
                                if(selected) {
                                    receipt.text = ""
                                    message.visible = false
                                    var chosenItem = dataModel.data (indexPath)
                                    paymentControl.id = chosenItem.id
                                    paymentControl.sku = chosenItem.sku
                                    paymentControl.name = chosenItem.name
                                    paymentControl.metadata = chosenItem.metadata
                                    paymentControl.getPrice (paymentControl.id, paymentControl.sku)
                        // Animation for sliding list effect upon creation
                        animations: [
                            TranslateTransition {
                                id: lists
                                toY: 0
                                duration: 1000

                    // Container for the price/check subscription labels
                    Container {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

                        layout: DockLayout {}

                        // A standard Label for displaying item price
                        Label {
                            id: priceLabel

                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

                            pivotY: preferredHeight / 2
                            text: qsTr ("$$$")
                            textStyle {
                                base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                                color: Color.create ("#E138AA")
                            animations: [
                                 // A sequential animation is used to trigger consequtive rotations of
                                // the image to make it wiggle.
                                SequentialAnimation {
                                    id: priceAnim
                                    animations: [
                                        RotateTransition {
                                            toAngleZ: 15
                                            duration: 700 * 0.4
                                            delay: 200
                                        RotateTransition {
                                            toAngleZ: -5
                                            duration: 700 * 0.3
                                        RotateTransition {
                                            toAngleZ: 0
                                            duration: 700 * 0.3

                        // A standard Label used as a palceholder for specific function initiation
                        Label {
                            id: subscription

                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

                            text: qsTr ("CHECK subscription")
                            textStyle {
                                base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                                color: Color.White

                            // Check the item subscription and display on touch
                            onTouch: {
                                if ( event.isDown() )
                                    paymentControl.checkSubscriptionStatus (paymentControl.id, paymentControl.sku)
                    // Container for displaying various user messages/results
                    MessageBox {
                        id: message
                        visible: false

                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

                        // remove message box on touch
                        onTouch: message.visible = false

                    // Container for displaying the receipt text area
                    Container {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top

                        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                            spaceQuota: 4

                        layout: DockLayout {}

                        Container {
                            background: Color.White
                            // A standard TextArea
                            TextArea {
                                id: receipt
                                editable: false
                                hintText: ""

                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                                    color: Color.Black

                    attachedObjects: [
                        // QTimer fired for every receipt string character
                        // to animate message typing effect
                        QTimer {
                            id: timer1
                            singleShot: false
                            onTimeout: {
                                animTextAreaText ();
                                // incremented for each character
                                i ++;
                        // The custom payment element for holding item data
                        // and used for method invocation and receiving events as a
                        // result of those invocations
                        PaymentServiceControl {
                            id: paymentControl
                            property string id
                            property string sku
                            property string name
                            property string metadata
                            onPriceResponseSuccess: {
                                // Play price request animation on response
                                priceLabel.text = price;
                                priceAnim.play ()

                            // Play receipt animation on purchase response
                            onPurchaseResponseSuccess: {
                                i = 0
                                receiptArea = receiptString
                                timer1.start (50);
                            onExistingPurchasesResponseSuccess: {
                                purchases.text = receiptsString
                            onSubscriptionTermsResponseSuccess: {
                                message.text = qsTr ("Price: %1\nInitialPeriod: %2\nRenewalPrice: %3\nRenewalPeriod: %4").arg(price).arg(initialPeriod).arg(renewalPrice).arg(renewalPeriod)
                                message.visible = true
                            onCancelSubscriptionResponseSuccess: {
                                cancellations.text = (cancelled ? qsTr ("Canceled? yes") : qsTr ("Canceled? no"))
                            onCheckStatusResponseSuccess: {
                                subscription.textStyle.color = Color.Green
                                subscription.text = (status ? qsTr ("Active? yes") : qsTr("Active? no"))
                            onInfoResponseError: {
                // Animate various visual components on creation of this page
                onCreationCompleted: animScreen ()

        // Play the list/Button animations
        function animScreen () {
            lists.play ();
            showButtons.play ();

        // Check the receipt length and stop animation on reaching condition
        function animTextAreaText () {
            receipt.text += receiptArea.charAt (i);
            if (i >= receiptArea.length) {
                timer1.stop ();

        // Reset the look of the subscription Label
        function resetSubscriptionText() {
            subscription.textStyle.color = Color.White
            subscription.text = qsTr ("CHECK subscription")

        Tab {
            title: qsTr ("Purchases")
            imageSource: "asset:///images/purchases.png"

            // Page for displaying purchases made data
            Page {
                Container {
                    topPadding: 20
                    leftPadding: 20
                    rightPadding: 20

                    // A standard Button
                    Button {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center

                        text: qsTr ("Purchases")

                        // Retrieve purchases made data on click
                        onClicked: paymentControl.getExisting (false);
                    // A standard TextArea for displaying retrieved purchases data
                    TextArea {
                        id: purchases
                        editable: false

        Tab {
            title: qsTr ("Cancellation")
            imageSource: "asset:///images/cancelpurchases.png"

            // Page for cancelling subscription's
            Page {
                Container {
                    topPadding: 20
                    leftPadding: 20
                    rightPadding: 20

                    // A standard Label
                    Label {
                        text: qsTr ("Purchase ID")
                        textStyle {
                            base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText

                    // A standard TextField for purchase id input
                    TextField {
                        id: purchaseId

                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

                    // A standard Button
                    Button {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        topMargin: 50

                        text: qsTr ("Cancel")

                        // Cancel entered purchase on click
                        onClicked: {
                            paymentControl.cancelSubscription (purchaseId.text)

                    // A standard TextArea for displaying the cancellation results
                    TextArea {
                        id: cancellations
                        editable: false
                        backgroundVisible: false