Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

PaymentServiceControl.cpp Example File

    /* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    #include "PaymentServiceControl.hpp"

    #include <bb/cascades/Application>
    #include <bb/cascades/Window>
    #include <bb/platform/CancelSubscriptionReply>
    #include <bb/platform/ExistingPurchasesReply>
    #include <bb/platform/PriceReply>
    #include <bb/platform/PurchaseReceipt>
    #include <bb/platform/PurchaseReply>
    #include <bb/platform/SubscriptionStatusReply>
    #include <bb/platform/SubscriptionTermsReply>

    #include <QtCore/QDateTime>
    #include <QtCore/QDebug>
    #include <QtCore/QList>
    #include <QtCore/QString>

    using namespace bb::platform;

     * Format the receipt into a user readable string.
    static QString receiptToString(bb::platform::PurchaseReceipt r)
        const QString initialPeriod = QString::number(r.initialPeriod());
        const QDateTime startDate = r.startDate();
        const QString startDateStr = startDate.isNull() ? "N/A" : startDate.toString();
        const QDateTime endDate = r.endDate();
        const QString endDateStr = endDate.isNull() ? "N/A" : endDate.toString();
        const QString isSubscr = r.isSubscription() ? "true" : "false";
        const QString itemStateStr = QString::number(static_cast<int>(r.state()));

        const QString displayString = "Date: " + r.date().toString() +
            "\nID/SKU: " + r.digitalGoodId() + "/" + r.digitalGoodSku() +
            "\nPurchaseID/licenseKey: " + r.purchaseId() + "/" + r.licenseKey() +
            "\nMetadata: " + r.purchaseMetadata() +
            "\nItemState/isSubscription?: " + itemStateStr + "/" + isSubscr +
            "\nStart/End: " + startDateStr + "/" + endDateStr +
            "\nInitialPeriod: " + initialPeriod + "\n";

        return displayString;

    PaymentServiceControl::PaymentServiceControl(QObject *parent)
        : QObject(parent)
        , m_paymentManager(new PaymentManager(this))
        // Get the window group ID and pass it to the PaymentService instance.
        const QString windowGroupId = bb::cascades::Application::instance()->mainWindow()->groupId();


     * Request the purchase from the payment service based on the item's id, sku, name and metadata.
    void PaymentServiceControl::purchase(const QString &id, const QString &sku, const QString &name, const QString &metadata)
        if (id.isEmpty())

        qDebug() << "\nRequesting purchase. ID:" << id << "SKU:" << sku << "Name:" << name << "Metadata:" << metadata;

        const PurchaseReply *reply = m_paymentManager->requestPurchase(id, sku, name, metadata);
        bool ok = connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(purchaseResponse()));

     * Invoked in response to the purchase signal. It differentiates between successful and
     * error responses and emits appropriate signal for each.
    void PaymentServiceControl::purchaseResponse()
        bb::platform::PurchaseReply *reply = qobject_cast<bb::platform::PurchaseReply*>(sender());

        //emits error signal upon errors.
        if (reply->isError()) {
            qDebug() << "Purchase response error. Code(" << reply->errorCode() << ") Text(" << reply->errorText() << ")";
            emit infoResponseError(reply->errorCode(), reply->errorText());

        //emits success signal upon success
        } else {
            const QString displayString = receiptToString(reply->receipt());
            qDebug() << "Purchase response success. " << displayString;

            emit purchaseResponseSuccess(displayString);


     * Request existing purchases from the payment service.
    void PaymentServiceControl::getExisting(bool refresh)
        qDebug() << "Get existing. refresh: " << refresh;

        const ExistingPurchasesReply *reply = m_paymentManager->requestExistingPurchases(refresh);
        bool ok = connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(existingPurchasesResponse()));

     * Invoked in response to retrieve existing purchases made and emit appropriate signal based
     * on the response data.
    void PaymentServiceControl::existingPurchasesResponse()
        bb::platform::ExistingPurchasesReply *reply = qobject_cast<bb::platform::ExistingPurchasesReply*>(sender());

        //emits error signal upon errors.
        if (reply->isError()) {
            qDebug() << "Existing purchases response error. Code(" << reply->errorCode() << ") Text(" << reply->errorText() << ")";
            emit infoResponseError(reply->errorCode(), reply->errorText());

        //emits success signal upon success
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Existing purchases response success. (TODO)";
            const QList<PurchaseReceipt> receipts = reply->purchases();

            if (receipts.isEmpty()) {
                qDebug() << "Existing purchases response success. (No purchases)";
                emit existingPurchasesResponseSuccess("(No purchases)");
            } else {
                //For each purchase format a user readable string representation of the receipt.
                QString displayString;
                Q_FOREACH(PurchaseReceipt r, receipts) {
                    displayString += (receiptToString(r) + "\n");
                emit existingPurchasesResponseSuccess(displayString);


     * Query the payment service for an item's price based on its ID and SKU.
    void PaymentServiceControl::getPrice(const QString &id, const QString &sku)
        if (id.isEmpty())

        qDebug() << "Requesting price. ID: " << id << " SKU: " << sku;

        //Make the price request and indicate what method to invoke on signal response.
        const PriceReply *reply = m_paymentManager->requestPrice(id, sku);
        bool ok = connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(priceResponse()));

     * Invoked in response to price request for an item. Emit appropriate signal based on response data.
    void PaymentServiceControl::priceResponse()
        bb::platform::PriceReply *reply = qobject_cast<bb::platform::PriceReply*>(sender());

        //emits error signal upon errors.
        if (reply->isError()) {
            qDebug() << "Price response error. Code(" << reply->errorCode() << ") Text(" << reply->errorText() << ")";
            emit infoResponseError(reply->errorCode(), reply->errorText());

        //emits success signal upon success
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Price response success. Price: " << reply->price();
            //Emit success response if no errors occurred.
            emit priceResponseSuccess(reply->price());


     * Query the payment service for itmes subscription terms based on its ID, and SKU.
    void PaymentServiceControl::getSubscriptionTerms(const QString &id, const QString &sku)
        if (id.isEmpty())

        qDebug() << "Requesting subscription terms. ID: " << id << " SKU: " << sku;

        const SubscriptionTermsReply *reply = m_paymentManager->requestSubscriptionTerms(id, sku);
        bool ok = connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(subscriptionTermsResponse()));

     * Invoked based on items subscription terms request.
    void PaymentServiceControl::subscriptionTermsResponse()
        bb::platform::SubscriptionTermsReply *reply = qobject_cast<bb::platform::SubscriptionTermsReply*>(sender());

        //emits error signal upon errors.
        if (reply->isError()) {
            qDebug() << "Sub terms response error. Code(" << reply->errorCode() << ") Text(" << reply->errorText() << ")";
            emit infoResponseError(reply->errorCode(), reply->errorText());

        //emits success signal upon success
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Sub terms response success. Price: " << reply->price() <<
                "\nInitialPeriod: " << reply->initialPeriod() <<
                "\nRenewalPrice: " << reply->renewalPrice() <<
                "\nRenewalPeriod: " << reply->renewalPeriod();

            emit subscriptionTermsResponseSuccess(reply->price(), reply->initialPeriod(), reply->renewalPrice(), reply->renewalPeriod());


     * Query the payment service for an item's subscription status based on its ID and SKU.
    void PaymentServiceControl::checkSubscriptionStatus(const QString &id, const QString &sku)
        if (id.isEmpty())

        qDebug() << "Check subscription status. ID: " << id << " SKU: " << sku;

        const SubscriptionStatusReply *reply = m_paymentManager->requestSubscriptionStatus(id, sku);
        bool ok = connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(subscriptionStatusResponse()));

     * Invoked upon response from the subscription status query.
    void PaymentServiceControl::subscriptionStatusResponse()
        bb::platform::SubscriptionStatusReply *reply = qobject_cast<bb::platform::SubscriptionStatusReply*>(sender());

        //emits error signal upon errors.
        if (reply->isError()) {
            qDebug() << "Check status response error. Code(" << reply->errorCode() << ") Text(" << reply->errorText() << ")";
            emit infoResponseError(reply->errorCode(), reply->errorText());

        //emits success signal upon success
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Check status response success. Active? " << reply->isActive();
            emit checkStatusResponseSuccess(reply->isActive());


     * Cancel item's subscription based on the purchase ID of that item.
    void PaymentServiceControl::cancelSubscription(const QString &purchaseId)
        if (purchaseId.isEmpty())

        qDebug() << "Cancel subscription. Purchase ID: " << purchaseId;

        const CancelSubscriptionReply *reply = m_paymentManager->requestCancelSubscription(purchaseId);
        bool ok = connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(cancelSubscriptionResponse()));

     * Invoked in response to the subscription cancellation of a purchased item.
    void PaymentServiceControl::cancelSubscriptionResponse()
        bb::platform::CancelSubscriptionReply *reply = qobject_cast<bb::platform::CancelSubscriptionReply*>(sender());

        //emits error signal upon errors.
        if (reply->isError()) {
            qDebug() << "Cancel subscription response error. Code(" << reply->errorCode() << ") Text(" << reply->errorText() << ")";
            emit infoResponseError(reply->errorCode(), reply->errorText());

        //emits success signal upon success
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Cancel subscription response success. Canceled? " << reply->isCanceled();
            emit cancelSubscriptionResponseSuccess(reply->isCanceled());
