Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

RegisterService.cpp Example File

    * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    #include "RegisterService.hpp"

    #include <QtCore/QDebug>

    #include <bps/bps.h>
    #include <bps/deviceinfo.h>

    RegisterService::RegisterService(QObject *parent)
        : QObject(parent)
        , m_reply(0)
        // Connect to the sslErrors signal in order to see what errors we get when connecting to the push initiator
        connect(&m_accessManager,SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError>& )),
                this, SLOT(onSslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError>&)));

    void RegisterService::subscribeToPushInitiator(const User& user, const QString& token)
        // Keep track of the current user's information so it can be stored later
        // on a success
        m_currentUser = user;

        const Configuration config = m_configurationService.configuration();

        QUrl url(config.pushInitiatorUrl() + "/subscribe");
        if (config.usingPublicPushProxyGateway()) {
        } else {

        qDebug() << "URL: " << url;
        m_reply = m_accessManager.get(QNetworkRequest(url));

        // Connect to the reply finished signal.
        connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(httpFinished()));

    void RegisterService::httpFinished()
        qDebug() << "httpFinished called";

        int code = -1;
        QString description;

        if (m_reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            // Load the data using the reply QIODevice
            const QString returnCode = QString::fromUtf8(m_reply->readAll());
            qDebug() << "returnCode: " << returnCode;

            if (returnCode == "rc=200") {
                code = 200;
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10001") {
                code = 10001;
                description = tr("Error: The token from the create channel was null, empty, or longer than 40 characters in length.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10011") {
                code = 10011;

                // Note: This error should not occur unless, for some weird reason, the OS version or device model
                // specified in the request parameter is incorrect
                description = tr("Error: The OS version or device model of the BlackBerry was invalid.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10002") {
                code = 10002;
                description = tr("Error: The application ID specified in the configuration settings could not be found, or it was found to be inactive or expired.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10020") {
                code = 10020;
                description = tr("Error: The subscriber ID generated by the Push Initiator (based on the username and password specified) was null or empty, "
                                 "longer than 42 characters in length, or matched the 'push_all' keyword.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10025") {
                code = 10025;
                description = tr("Error: The Push Initiator application has the bypass subscription flag set to true (so no subscribe is allowed).");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10026") {
                code = 10026;
                description = tr("Error: The username or password specified was incorrect.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10027") {
                code = 10027;

                // Note: You obviously would not want to put an error description like this, but we will to assist with
                // debugging
                description = tr("Error: A CPSubscriptionFailureException was thrown by the onSubscribeSuccess method of the implementation "
                                 "being used of the ContentProviderSubscriptionService interface.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=10028") {
                code = 10028;

                // Note: You obviously would not want to put an error description like this, but we will to assist with
                // debugging
                description = tr("Error: The type specified was null, empty, or not one of 'public' or 'bds', or invalid for the push application type.");
            } else if (returnCode == "rc=-9999") {
                code = -9999;
                description = tr("Error: General error (i.e. rc=-9999).");
            } else {
                description = tr("Error: Unknown error code: %0.").arg(returnCode);
        } else {
            qDebug() << "network error";
            code = m_reply->error();
            description = m_reply->errorString();

        emit piRegistrationCompleted(code, description);

        // The reply is not needed now we use deleteLater since we are in a slot.

    void RegisterService::onSslErrors(QNetworkReply * reply, const QList<QSslError> & errors)
        // Ignore all SSL errors here to be able to load from a secure address.
        // It might be a good idea to display an error message indicating that security may be compromised.
        // The errors we get are:
        // "SSL error: The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found"
        // "SSL error: The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose"
        // Seems to be a problem with how the server is set up and a known QT issue QTBUG-23625

        qDebug() << "onSslErrors called";

    QString RegisterService::deviceVersion() const
        QString deviceVersion;

        if (bps_initialize() == BPS_SUCCESS) {
            qDebug() << "bps initialized";
            deviceinfo_details_t *deviceDetails = 0;

            if (deviceinfo_get_details(&deviceDetails) == BPS_SUCCESS) {
                deviceVersion = deviceinfo_details_get_device_os_version(deviceDetails);
            } else {
                qDebug() << "error retrieving device details";

        } else {
            qDebug() << "error initializing bps";

        return deviceVersion;

    QString RegisterService::deviceModel() const
        QString deviceModel;

        if (bps_initialize() == BPS_SUCCESS) {
            qDebug() << "bps initialized";
            deviceinfo_details_t *deviceDetails = 0;

            if (deviceinfo_get_details(&deviceDetails) == BPS_SUCCESS) {
                deviceModel = deviceinfo_details_get_hardware_id(deviceDetails);
            } else {
                qDebug() << "error retrieving device details";

        } else {
            qDebug() << "error initializing bps";

        return deviceModel;