Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation

Push.hpp Example File

    * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013  BlackBerry Limited.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    #ifndef PUSH_HPP
    #define PUSH_HPP

    #include <bb/network/PushPayload>
    #include <QString>
    #include <QDate>

    // The content types that Push Collector can display (images, HTML/XML, and plain text)
    #define CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE    "image"
    #define CONTENT_TYPE_XML     "xml"
    #define CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT      "text"

    // The various file extensions that are supported
    #define FILE_EXTENSION_XML  ".xml"
    #define FILE_EXTENSION_HTML ".html"
    #define FILE_EXTENSION_TEXT ".txt"
    #define FILE_EXTENSION_JPEG ".jpg"
    #define FILE_EXTENSION_GIF  ".gif"
    #define FILE_EXTENSION_PNG  ".png"

     * Value object relating to a push.
    class Push
        Push(const bb::network::PushPayload &pushPayload);
        Push(const QVariantMap &map);
        Push(int seqNum, const QByteArray &content, const QString &contentType,
             const QString &fileExtension, const QString &pushDate, const QString &pushTime, bool unread);
        virtual ~Push();

        int seqNum() const;
        QByteArray content() const;
        QString contentType() const;
        QString fileExtension() const;
        QDate pushDate() const;
        QString pushDateAsString() const;
        QString pushTime() const;
        bool unread() const;

        void setSeqNum(int seqNum);
        void setContent(const QByteArray &content);
        void setContentType(const QString &contentType);
        void setFileExtension(const QString &fileExtension);
        void setPushDate(const QDate &pushDate);
        void setPushTime(const QString &pushTime);
        void setUnread(bool unread);

        QVariantMap toMap() const;

        // The unique id of the push (to identify it in the database)
        int m_seqNum;

        // The content/payload of the push as a base64-encoded string
        QByteArray m_content;

        // The content type (i.e. one of "image", "xml", "text")
        QString m_contentType;

        // The file extension associated with the content
        // (i.e. one of ".xml", ".html", ".txt", ".jpg", ".gif", ".png")
        QString m_fileExtension;

        // The date of the push (e.g. Mon, Oct 31, 2011)
        QDate m_pushDate;

        // The time of the push using a 12-hour clock (e.g. 2:38p, e.g. 11:22a)
        QString m_pushTime;

        // Whether or not the push has been previously read/opened
        bool m_unread;

         * Retrieves the content type of a push. If the content type header was missing or not recognized a content type of 'text' will be assumed. It
         * is a best practice to always send a Content-Type header with the push message.
         * @param contentTypeHeaderValue the value of the Content-Type header
         * @return the content type based on the Content-Type header value
        QString pushContentType(const QString &contentTypeHeaderValue) const;

         * Retrieves the file extension of a push. If the content type header was missing or not recognized an empty string will be returned. It
         * is a best practice to always send a Content-Type header with the push message.
         * @param contentTypeHeaderValue the value of the Content-Type header
         * @return the file extension based on the Content-Type header value
        QString pushContentFileExtension(const QString &contentTypeHeaderValue) const;
