Qt-based BB10 API Examples Documentation


System Sound Example



The System Sound example allows the user to test the various sounds for system events provided by the BB10 framework.


In this example we'll learn how to use the SystemSound class of the BB10 framework to play sounds for certain system events.

The UI

The UI of this sample application consists of a DropDown to select the type of event and a Button to play the sound that is associated with the selected event.

    // The selector for system sounds
    DropDown {
        id: soundChooser

        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center

        title: qsTr ("Sound")

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Battery Alarm")
            value: SystemSound.BatteryAlarm
            selected: true

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Browser Start Event")
            value: SystemSound.BrowserStartEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Camera Shutter Event")
            value: SystemSound.CameraShutterEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Device Lock Event")
            value: SystemSound.DeviceLockEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Device Unlock Event")
            value: SystemSound.DeviceUnlockEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Device Tether Event")
            value: SystemSound.DeviceTetherEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Device Untether Event")
            value: SystemSound.DeviceUntetherEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("General Notification")
            value: SystemSound.GeneralNotification

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Input Keypress")
            value: SystemSound.InputKeypress

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Recording Start Event")
            value: SystemSound.RecordingStartEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Recording Stop Event")
            value: SystemSound.RecordingStopEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Sapphire Notification")
            value: SystemSound.SapphireNotification

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("System Master Volume Reference")
            value: SystemSound.SystemMasterVolumeReference

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Video Call Event")
            value: SystemSound.VideoCallEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Video Call Outgoing Event")
            value: SystemSound.VideoCallOutgoingEvent

        Option {
            text: qsTr ("Camera Burst Event")
            value: SystemSound.CameraBurstEvent

The DropDown contains one option for each event type that is provided by the SystemSound class. The 'value' property is set to the corresponding Type enum.

    // The button to play the selected sound
    Button {
        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
        topMargin: 100

        text: qsTr ("Play System Sound")
        onClicked: systemSound.play()

Whenever the user clicks the 'Play System Sound' button, the play() method is invoked on the SystemSound object.

    attachedObjects: [
        SystemSound {
            id: systemSound
            sound: soundChooser.selectedValue

The SystemSound object itself is created as attached object on the page. Its 'sound' property is bound against the currently selected value of the DropDown and is updated automatically whenever the user chooses a different system sound type.