
HTML5 (Wikipedia,, W3C) is our core Web platform. Key pieces in the BlackBerry Platforms are:

  • A very high performance and high quality browser based on Webkit
  • A WebGL Implementation
  • The WebWorks framework, which is related to and in increased alignment with Apache Cordova
  • AliceJS - a micro JavaScript library that helps leverages hardware-accelerated implementations of CSS3
  • bbUI.js - a JavaScript toolkit that implements BlackBerry UI look and feel for WebWorks applications

HTML5 Compatibility

The BlackBerry browser has consistently delivered high performance and high fidelity (1).


See HTML5 Samples

Official Documentation

BlackBerry Web References, including: HTML Elements and Attributed Supported, CSS Elements Supported and BlackBerry Browser Scripting Reference

Also See

Cascades Samples, Cascades, HTML5 Samples, HTML5 Tools, Webkit