Contribute to the Community Wiki

This page describes in detail Contribution Opportunities in the Wiki.

Also see:

We want to make this Wiki the main community-created entry point for developers. Help us advertise it.

Improve its Quality

If you believe there are errors in the content of a page, file a content Issue on the main repository.

Infrastructure problems are more nuanced, so we record them against the Staging Repository.

Fix Existing Pages

The Wiki uses GitHub Pages; the content itself is hosted in the gh-pages branch of the Community repo. We prefer submissions via a GitHub pull request.

You can use Inline Editing for most simple changes, see Quick Edit.

Create New Pages

For substantial changes and for new content, you will need to use Git and GitHub to create and test your contribution. See How to Create a New Page and Technology Overview for details.

Pages are written using one of these layouts:

You can create a new page by copying and then editing one of the above example pages.

Contribute Articles

We also support longer articles. Read the Current List to get some context.

Submit News

We encourage you to submit news on the community. Check the instructions

Become a Core Member

Finally, we welcome community members that have shown commitment to this wiki effort to become members of our core group.